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4932 YBR164C Soluble GTPase with a role in regulation of membrane traffic; regulates potassium influx; G protein of the Ras superfamily, similar to ADP-ribosylation factor   ARL1
4932 YBR231C Protein of unknown function, component of the SWR1 complex, which exchanges histone variant H2AZ (Htz1p) for chromatin-bound histone H2A Null: Cold-sensitive; Benomyl hypersensitive; Latrunculin-A hypersensitive SWC5
4932 YDL074C E3 ubiquitin ligase for Rad6p, required for the ubiquitination of histone H2B, recruitment of Rad6p to promoter chromatin and subsequent methylation of histone H3 (on K4 and K79), contains RING finger domain null mutant is sensitive to brefeldin A BRE1
4932 YDL220C Single stranded DNA-binding protein found at TG1-3 telomere G-tails; regulates telomere replication through recruitment of specific sub-complexes, but the essential function is telomere capping   CDC13
4932 YDR334W Swi2/Snf2-related ATPase that is the structural component of the SWR1 complex, which exchanges histone variant H2AZ (Htz1p) for chromatin-bound histone H2A Null: Null mutant is viable and shows no growth defects; swr1 rat8-2 and swr1 rsc9-1double mutants has a slow growth phenotype; SWR1 is a partial High copy suppressor of pse1-1 kap123 SWR1
4932 YDR485C Htz1p-binding component of the SWR1 complex, which exchanges histone variant H2AZ (Htz1p) for chromatin-bound histone H2A; required for vacuolar protein sorting Null mutant secretes CPY. VPS72
4932 YER083C Subunit of the GET complex; required for meiotic nuclear division and for the retrieval of HDEL proteins from the Golgi to the ER in an ERD2 dependent fashion; may be involved in cell wall function null is hypersensitive to calcofluor white suffer an increased spheroplast lysis rate GET2
4932 YER111C DNA binding component of the SBF complex (Swi4p-Swi6p), a transcriptional activator that in concert with MBF (Mbp1-Swi6p) regulates late G1-specific transcription of targets including cyclins and genes required for DNA synthesis and repair Null mutant is viable, deficient in homothallic switching, and temperature sensitive SWI4
4932 YGL020C Subunit of the GET complex; required for the retrieval of HDEL proteins from the Golgi to the ER in an ERD2 dependent fashion and for normal mitochondrial morphology and inheritance Null: Required for spore wall formation, but not IME1 induction or nuclear division GET1
4932 YGR105W Integral membrane protein that is required for vacuolar H+-ATPase (V-ATPase) function, although not an actual component of the V-ATPase complex; functions in the assembly of the V-ATPase; localized to the yeast endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Null mutant is viable but grows slowly and exhibits increased calcium sensitivity. Null mutants also cannot grow on glycerol or at pH 7.5 VMA21
4932 YGR229C Protein involved in the regulation of cell wall synthesis; proposed to be involved in coordinating cell cycle progression with cell wall integrity Null mutant is viable, shows osmotic sensitivity, sensitivity to cercosporamide, resistance to zymolase; temperature sensitive mutant arrests at S phase with small buds SMI1
4932 YKL113C 5- to 3- exonuclease, 5- flap endonuclease, required for Okazaki fragment processing and maturation as well as for long-patch base-excision repair; member of the S. pombe RAD2/FEN1 family Null mutant demonstrates temperature-sensitive growth and sensitivity to UV light and methylmethane sulfonate. rad27 mutant cells are defective in Okazaki fragment maturation. RAD27
4932 YKL190W Calcineurin B; the regulatory subunit of calcineurin, a Ca++/calmodulin-regulated type 2B protein phosphatase which regulates Crz1p (a stress-response transcription factor), the other calcineurin subunit is encoded by CNA1 and/or CMP1 Null mutant is viable, Li+ and Na+ sensitive, cnb1 fks1 and cnb1 vma3 double mutants are inviable CNB1
4932 YLR085C Actin-related protein that binds nucleosomes; a component of the SWR1 complex, which exchanges histone variant H2AZ (Htz1p) for chromatin-bound histone H2A   ARP6
4932 YLR110C Cell wall mannoprotein, mutants are defective in mating and agglutination, expression is downregulated by alpha-factor Null mutant is viable and shows decrease in mating efficiency and defect in agglutination CCW12
4932 YLR262C GTPase, Ras-like GTP binding protein involved in the secretory pathway, required for fusion of endosome-derived vesicles with the late Golgi, maturation of the vacuolar carboxypeptidase Y; has similarity to the human GTPase, Rab6 Null mutant is viable, temperature sensitive; suppressed by ssd1 and imh1 mutations YPT6
4932 YLR268W R-SNARE protein; assembles into SNARE complex with Bet1p, Bos1p and Sed5p; cycles between the ER and Golgi complex; involved in anterograde and retrograde transport between the ER and Golgi; synaptobrevin homolog null mutant is cold and heat sensitive. Defective in ER to Golgi transport. SEC22
4932 YML041C Nucleosome-binding component of the SWR1 complex, which exchanges histone variant H2AZ (Htz1p) for chromatin-bound histone H2A; required for vacuolar protein sorting Null mutant secretes CPY. VPS71
4932 YMR004W Protein required for sorting proteins to the vacuole; overproduction of Mvp1p suppresses several dominant VPS1 mutations; Mvp1p and Vps1p act in concert to promote membrane traffic to the vacuole MVP1 was identified as a multicopy suppressor of dominant-negative vps1 mutations, as well as an extragenic suppressor of a temperature-sensitive pma1 mutation (sop gene) MVP1
4932 YOL012C Histone variant H2AZ, exchanged for histone H2A in nucleosomes by the SWR1 complex; involved in transcriptional regulation through prevention of the spread of silent heterochromatin Null mutant is viable at 28C; high copy suppressor of histone H4 point mutant affecting nucleosome structure HTZ1
4932 YOL018C Syntaxin-like t-SNARE that forms a complex with Tlg1p and Vti1p and mediates fusion of endosome-derived vesicles with the late Golgi; binds Vps45p, which prevents Tlg2p degradation and also facilitates t-SNARE complex formation Null mutant is viable in SEY6210, exhibits endocytosis defect and loss of Kex2p TLG2
4932 YOR244W Histone acetyltransferase catalytic subunit of the native multisubunit complex (NuA4) that acetylates four conserved internal lysines of histone H4 N-terminal tail; required for cell cycle progression   ESA1
4932 YPL055C Protein of unknown function; null mutant forms abnormally large cells Null: large cell size. Other phenotypes: synthetic lethal with swi4 LGE1
4932 YPL174C Large subunit of the dynactin complex, which is involved in partitioning the mitotic spindle between mother and daughter cells; putative ortholog of mammalian p150(glued) Null mutant is viable but exhibits slow growth and defects in partitioning into daughter cells. NIP100
4932 YPL240C Cytoplasmic chaperone (Hsp90 family) required for pheromone signaling and negative regulation of Hsf1p; docks with the mitochondrial import receptor Tom70p for preprotein delivery; interacts with co-chaperones Cns1p, Cpr6p, Cpr7p, and Sti1p Null mutant is viable at 25 degrees C; ability to grow at higher temperatures varies with gene copy number HSC82