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4932 YBR231C Protein of unknown function, component of the SWR1 complex, which exchanges histone variant H2AZ (Htz1p) for chromatin-bound histone H2A Null: Cold-sensitive; Benomyl hypersensitive; Latrunculin-A hypersensitive SWC5
4932 YDL020C Transcription factor that stimulates expression of proteasome genes; Rpn4p levels are in turn regulated by the 26S proteasome in a negative feedback control mechanism; RPN4 is transcriptionally regulated by various stress responses Null mutant is viable, exhibits synthetic interactions with sen3, sun1, and cdc28-1N RPN4
4932 YDL040C Subunit of the N-terminal acetyltransferase NatA (Nat1p, Ard1p, Nat5p); N-terminally acetylates many proteins, which influences multiple processes such as the cell cycle, heat-shock resistance, mating, sporulation, and telomeric silencing Null mutant is viable, has reduced acetyltransferase activity, derepressed silent mating type locus (HML) and fails to enter G0 NAT1
4932 YDL074C E3 ubiquitin ligase for Rad6p, required for the ubiquitination of histone H2B, recruitment of Rad6p to promoter chromatin and subsequent methylation of histone H3 (on K4 and K79), contains RING finger domain null mutant is sensitive to brefeldin A BRE1
4932 YDR334W Swi2/Snf2-related ATPase that is the structural component of the SWR1 complex, which exchanges histone variant H2AZ (Htz1p) for chromatin-bound histone H2A Null: Null mutant is viable and shows no growth defects; swr1 rat8-2 and swr1 rsc9-1double mutants has a slow growth phenotype; SWR1 is a partial High copy suppressor of pse1-1 kap123 SWR1
4932 YDR359C Component of the NuA4 histone acetyltransferase complex   EAF1
4932 YDR485C Htz1p-binding component of the SWR1 complex, which exchanges histone variant H2AZ (Htz1p) for chromatin-bound histone H2A; required for vacuolar protein sorting Null mutant secretes CPY. VPS72
4932 YER016W Microtubule-binding protein that together with Kar9p makes up the cortical microtubule capture site and delays the exit from mitosis when the spindle is oriented abnormally Null mutant is viable, causes cold sensitivity, benomyl supersensitivity, aberrant microtubule morphology. During mitosis in bim1 mutants, the nucleus fails to move to the mother-bud neck. BIM1
4932 YER083C Subunit of the GET complex; required for meiotic nuclear division and for the retrieval of HDEL proteins from the Golgi to the ER in an ERD2 dependent fashion; may be involved in cell wall function null is hypersensitive to calcofluor white suffer an increased spheroplast lysis rate GET2
4932 YER111C DNA binding component of the SBF complex (Swi4p-Swi6p), a transcriptional activator that in concert with MBF (Mbp1-Swi6p) regulates late G1-specific transcription of targets including cyclins and genes required for DNA synthesis and repair Null mutant is viable, deficient in homothallic switching, and temperature sensitive SWI4
4932 YGL020C Subunit of the GET complex; required for the retrieval of HDEL proteins from the Golgi to the ER in an ERD2 dependent fashion and for normal mitochondrial morphology and inheritance Null: Required for spore wall formation, but not IME1 induction or nuclear division GET1
4932 YGR229C Protein involved in the regulation of cell wall synthesis; proposed to be involved in coordinating cell cycle progression with cell wall integrity Null mutant is viable, shows osmotic sensitivity, sensitivity to cercosporamide, resistance to zymolase; temperature sensitive mutant arrests at S phase with small buds SMI1
4932 YHR013C Subunit of the N-terminal acetyltransferase NatA (Nat1p, Ard1p, Nat5p); N-terminally acetylates many proteins, which influences multiple processes such as the cell cycle, heat-shock resistance, mating, sporulation, and telomeric silencing   ARD1
4932 YHR191C Subunit of a complex with Ctf18p that shares some subunits with Replication Factor C and is required for sister chromatid cohesion   CTF8
4932 YJL115W Nucleosome assembly factor, involved in chromatin assembly and disassembly, anti-silencing protein that causes derepression of silent loci when overexpressed   ASF1
4932 YKL113C 5- to 3- exonuclease, 5- flap endonuclease, required for Okazaki fragment processing and maturation as well as for long-patch base-excision repair; member of the S. pombe RAD2/FEN1 family Null mutant demonstrates temperature-sensitive growth and sensitivity to UV light and methylmethane sulfonate. rad27 mutant cells are defective in Okazaki fragment maturation. RAD27
4932 YLR085C Actin-related protein that binds nucleosomes; a component of the SWR1 complex, which exchanges histone variant H2AZ (Htz1p) for chromatin-bound histone H2A   ARP6
4932 YLR320W Protein involved in resistance to ionizing radiation; acts with Mms1p in a repair pathway that may be involved in resolving replication intermediates or preventing the damage caused by blocked replication forks Null: Null phenotype in haploids of either mating type and diploid is extreme sensitivity to MMS or hydroxyurea, moderate sensitivity to gamma or UV irradiation. Diploid is very sensitive to camtothecin. Diploid is also sensitive to bleomycin.. MMS22
4932 YLR384C Subunit of Elongator complex, which is required for modification of wobble nucleosides in tRNA; maintains structural integrity of Elongator; homolog of human IKAP, mutations in which cause familial dysautonomia (FD) Null mutant is viable; insensitive to pGKL killer toxin; zymotoxin resistant; slow growth; thermo-sensitive above 38 0C; caffeine, Calcofluor White and 6-azauracil sensitive; G1 cell cycle delay IKI3
4932 YML032C Protein that stimulates strand exchange by facilitating Rad51p binding to single-stranded DNA; anneals complementary single-stranded DNA; involved in the repair of double-strand breaks in DNA during vegetative growth and meiosis Null mutant is viable, radiation sensitive; rad52 rad27 double mutants are inviable, double strand break ends are excessively recessed in mutant, rad52 is rescued by rad50 spo13, but not spo13, and is classified as late recombination gene. Growth defects of mgs1 rad18 double mutants are suppressed by overexpression of Rad52.; Deletion of this homologous recombination (HR) gene decreases psoralen-induced recombination and increases mutation frequencies. RAD52
4932 YNL298W Cdc42p activated signal transducing kinase of the PAK (p21-activated kinase) family, involved in septin ring assembly and cytokinesis; directly phosphorylates septins Cdc3p and Cdc10p; other yeast PAK family members are Ste20p and Skm1p Null mutant is viable, possesses a cytokinesis defect; cla4 cln1 cln2 strains are inviable; cla4 ste20 double deletion mutants cannot maintain septin rings at the bud neck and and cannot undergo cytokinesis CLA4
4932 YOL004W Component of the Sin3p-Rpd3p histone deacetylase complex, involved in transcriptional repression and activation of diverse processes, including mating-type switching and meiosis; involved in the maintenance of chromosomal integrity inviable, reduced potassium dependency SIN3
4932 YOL012C Histone variant H2AZ, exchanged for histone H2A in nucleosomes by the SWR1 complex; involved in transcriptional regulation through prevention of the spread of silent heterochromatin Null mutant is viable at 28C; high copy suppressor of histone H4 point mutant affecting nucleosome structure HTZ1
4932 YPL055C Protein of unknown function; null mutant forms abnormally large cells Null: large cell size. Other phenotypes: synthetic lethal with swi4 LGE1
4932 YPR135W Chromatin-associated protein, required for sister chromatid cohesion; interacts with DNA polymerase alpha (Pol1p) and may link DNA synthesis to sister chromatid cohesion Null mutant is viable but shows increase in the rate of mitotic chromosome loss, increased mitotic recombination, shift toward cells with G2 DNA content, and large budded cells with the nucleus in the bud neck; shows synthetic interactions with rad52, pol1, rad9, and esr1 CTF4