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4932 YAL013W Transcriptional modulator involved in regulation of structural phospholipid biosynthesis genes and metabolically unrelated genes, as well as maintenance of telomeres, mating efficiency, and sporulation   DEP1
4932 YDR334W Swi2/Snf2-related ATPase that is the structural component of the SWR1 complex, which exchanges histone variant H2AZ (Htz1p) for chromatin-bound histone H2A Null: Null mutant is viable and shows no growth defects; swr1 rat8-2 and swr1 rsc9-1double mutants has a slow growth phenotype; SWR1 is a partial High copy suppressor of pse1-1 kap123 SWR1
4932 YHR090C Subunit of the NuA4 histone acetyltransferase complex that acetylates histone H4 and H2A; has similarity to the human tumor suppressor ING1 carbon source-, heat shock-, temperature-, and caffeine-sensitive, abnormal morphology, reduced histone H4 acetylation; BEM and RAD phenotypes; haploid yng2 mutants do not tolerate mutations in genes important for nonhomologous end joining repair yet remain proficient for homologous recombination. YNG2
4932 YGL020C Subunit of the GET complex; required for the retrieval of HDEL proteins from the Golgi to the ER in an ERD2 dependent fashion and for normal mitochondrial morphology and inheritance Null: Required for spore wall formation, but not IME1 induction or nuclear division GET1
4932 YER083C Subunit of the GET complex; required for meiotic nuclear division and for the retrieval of HDEL proteins from the Golgi to the ER in an ERD2 dependent fashion; may be involved in cell wall function null is hypersensitive to calcofluor white suffer an increased spheroplast lysis rate GET2
4932 YMR312W Subunit of Elongator complex, which is required for modification of wobble nucleosides in tRNA; required for Elongator structural integrity   ELP6
4932 YLR384C Subunit of Elongator complex, which is required for modification of wobble nucleosides in tRNA; maintains structural integrity of Elongator; homolog of human IKAP, mutations in which cause familial dysautonomia (FD) Null mutant is viable; insensitive to pGKL killer toxin; zymotoxin resistant; slow growth; thermo-sensitive above 38 0C; caffeine, Calcofluor White and 6-azauracil sensitive; G1 cell cycle delay IKI3
4932 YPL086C Subunit of Elongator complex, which is required for modification of wobble nucleosides in tRNA; exhibits histone acetyltransferase activity that is directed to histones H3 and H4; disruption confers resistance to K. lactis zymotoxin   ELP3
4932 YNL107W Subunit of both the NuA4 histone H4 acetyltransferase complex and the SWR1 complex, may function to antagonize silencing near telomeres; interacts directly with Swc4p, has homology to human leukemogenic protein AF9, contains a YEATS domain   YAF9
4932 YMR263W Subunit of a histone deacetylase complex, along with Rpd3p and Sin3p, that is involved in silencing at telomeres, rDNA, and silent mating-type loci; involved in telomere maintenance   SAP30
4932 YPL055C Protein of unknown function; null mutant forms abnormally large cells Null: large cell size. Other phenotypes: synthetic lethal with swi4 LGE1
4932 YAL011W Protein of unknown function, component of the SWR1 complex, which exchanges histone variant H2AZ (Htz1p) for chromatin-bound histone H2A; required for formation of nuclear-associated array of smooth endoplasmic reticulum known as karmellae   SWC3
4932 YBR231C Protein of unknown function, component of the SWR1 complex, which exchanges histone variant H2AZ (Htz1p) for chromatin-bound histone H2A Null: Cold-sensitive; Benomyl hypersensitive; Latrunculin-A hypersensitive SWC5
4932 YPL153C Protein kinase, required for cell-cycle arrest in response to DNA damage; activated by trans autophosphorylation when interacting with hyperphosphorylated Rad9p; also interacts with ARS1 and plays a role in initiation of DNA replication Null mutant is inviable, radiation sensitive RAD53
4932 YML041C Nucleosome-binding component of the SWR1 complex, which exchanges histone variant H2AZ (Htz1p) for chromatin-bound histone H2A; required for vacuolar protein sorting Null mutant secretes CPY. VPS71
4932 YJL081C Nuclear actin-related protein involved in chromatin remodeling, component of chromatin-remodeling enzyme complexes   ARP4
4932 YOR038C Non-essential transcriptional corepressor involved in the cell cycle-regulated transcription of histone H2A, H2B, H3, and H4 genes; recruits Swi-Snf complexes to histone gene promoters; promotes heterochromatic gene silencing with Asf1p Null mutant is viable, but HTA1-HTB1 transcription is derepressed and is no longer cell-cycle regulated; other mutations in this gene give -spt- gene-class phenotype HIR2
4932 YDR485C Htz1p-binding component of the SWR1 complex, which exchanges histone variant H2AZ (Htz1p) for chromatin-bound histone H2A; required for vacuolar protein sorting Null mutant secretes CPY. VPS72
4932 YOL012C Histone variant H2AZ, exchanged for histone H2A in nucleosomes by the SWR1 complex; involved in transcriptional regulation through prevention of the spread of silent heterochromatin Null mutant is viable at 28C; high copy suppressor of histone H4 point mutant affecting nucleosome structure HTZ1
4932 YGR002C Component of the Swr1p complex that incorporates Htz1p into chromatin; component of the NuA4 histone acetyltransferase complex   SWC4
4932 YDR363W-A Component of the lid subcomplex of the regulatory subunit of the 26S proteasome; ortholog of human DSS1 Null mutant is viable but is temperature-sensitive in a sigma1278b background (but not in a S288C background). The null mutation suppresses the temperature sensitivity of sec3-2, sec8-9, sec10-2 and sec15-1. SEM1
4932 YAL021C Component of the CCR4-NOT transcriptional complex, which is involved in regulation of gene expression; component of the major cytoplasmic deadenylase, which is involved in mRNA poly(A) tail shortening reduced levels of ADH2 expression under both glucose and ethanol growth conditions; temperature sensitive growth on nonfermentative medium CCR4
4932 YFL024C Component of NuA4, which is an essential histone H4/H2A acetyltransferase complex; homologous to Drosophila Enhancer of Polycomb   EPL1
4932 YGL116W Cell-cycle regulated activator of anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C), which is required for metaphase/anaphase transition; directs ubiquitination of mitotic cyclins, Pds1p, and other anaphase inhibitors; potential Cdc28p substrate Null mutant is inviable; conditional alleles show cell cycle arrest in G2 CDC20
4932 YLR085C Actin-related protein that binds nucleosomes; a component of the SWR1 complex, which exchanges histone variant H2AZ (Htz1p) for chromatin-bound histone H2A   ARP6