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4932 YHR013C Subunit of the N-terminal acetyltransferase NatA (Nat1p, Ard1p, Nat5p); N-terminally acetylates many proteins, which influences multiple processes such as the cell cycle, heat-shock resistance, mating, sporulation, and telomeric silencing   ARD1
4932 YJL115W Nucleosome assembly factor, involved in chromatin assembly and disassembly, anti-silencing protein that causes derepression of silent loci when overexpressed   ASF1
4932 YER016W Microtubule-binding protein that together with Kar9p makes up the cortical microtubule capture site and delays the exit from mitosis when the spindle is oriented abnormally Null mutant is viable, causes cold sensitivity, benomyl supersensitivity, aberrant microtubule morphology. During mitosis in bim1 mutants, the nucleus fails to move to the mother-bud neck. BIM1
4932 YOR026W Kinetochore checkpoint WD40 repeat protein that localizes to kinetochores during prophase and metaphase, delays anaphase in the presence of unattached kinetochores; forms complexes with Mad1p-Bub1p and with Cdc20p, binds Mad2p and Mad3p   BUB3
4932 YAL021C Component of the CCR4-NOT transcriptional complex, which is involved in regulation of gene expression; component of the major cytoplasmic deadenylase, which is involved in mRNA poly(A) tail shortening reduced levels of ADH2 expression under both glucose and ethanol growth conditions; temperature sensitive growth on nonfermentative medium CCR4
4932 YEL061C Kinesin motor protein involved in mitotic spindle assembly and chromosome segregation Null mutant is viable; cin8 dyn1 and cin8 kip1 double deletion mutants are inviable CIN8
4932 YNL298W Cdc42p activated signal transducing kinase of the PAK (p21-activated kinase) family, involved in septin ring assembly and cytokinesis; directly phosphorylates septins Cdc3p and Cdc10p; other yeast PAK family members are Ste20p and Skm1p Null mutant is viable, possesses a cytokinesis defect; cla4 cln1 cln2 strains are inviable; cla4 ste20 double deletion mutants cannot maintain septin rings at the bud neck and and cannot undergo cytokinesis CLA4
4932 YMR048W Protein required for accurate chromosome segregation during meiosis Null: missegregates chromosomes in meiosis CSM3
4932 YPR135W Chromatin-associated protein, required for sister chromatid cohesion; interacts with DNA polymerase alpha (Pol1p) and may link DNA synthesis to sister chromatid cohesion Null mutant is viable but shows increase in the rate of mitotic chromosome loss, increased mitotic recombination, shift toward cells with G2 DNA content, and large budded cells with the nucleus in the bud neck; shows synthetic interactions with rad52, pol1, rad9, and esr1 CTF4
4932 YGL020C Subunit of the GET complex; required for the retrieval of HDEL proteins from the Golgi to the ER in an ERD2 dependent fashion and for normal mitochondrial morphology and inheritance Null: Required for spore wall formation, but not IME1 induction or nuclear division GET1
4932 YER083C Subunit of the GET complex; required for meiotic nuclear division and for the retrieval of HDEL proteins from the Golgi to the ER in an ERD2 dependent fashion; may be involved in cell wall function null is hypersensitive to calcofluor white suffer an increased spheroplast lysis rate GET2
4932 YNL153C Subunit of the heterohexameric cochaperone prefoldin complex which binds specifically to cytosolic chaperonin and transfers target proteins to it   GIM3
4932 YEL003W Subunit of the heterohexameric cochaperone prefoldin complex which binds specifically to cytosolic chaperonin and transfers target proteins to it Null mutant is viable, sensitive to anti-microtubule drugs benomyl and nocadazole; synthetically lethal with tub4-1 mutations GIM4
4932 YML094W Subunit of the heterohexameric cochaperone prefoldin complex which binds specifically to cytosolic chaperonin and transfers target proteins to it Null mutant is viable, cold sensitive, benomyl and nocadazole sensitive and fails to grow on YPD+1.2M KCl or YPD+1.8M sorbitol; synthetically lethal with tub4-1 mutations GIM5
4932 YAL024C Putative GDP/GTP exchange factor required for mitotic exit at low temperatures; acts as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for Tem1p, which is a key regulator of mitotic exit; physically associates with Ras2p-GTP lethal at low temperature (8 degrees C) LTE1
4932 YMR224C Subunit of a complex with Rad50p and Xrs2p (RMX complex) that functions in repair of DNA double-strand breaks and in telomere stability, exhibits nuclease activity that appears to be required for RMX function; widely conserved Null mutant is viable, methyl methanesulfonate-sensitive and displays hyper-recombination in mitosis. mre11 is rescued by spo13 and epistatic to rad50s, suggesting it is an early recombination function. MRE11
4932 YGR078C Part of the heteromeric co-chaperone GimC/prefoldin complex, which promotes efficient protein folding Null mutant is viable, benomyl sensitive, cold sensitive, microtubules disassemble at 14 degrees celsius, pac10 mutants exhibit synthetic lethality with tub4-1, cin8, cin1, pac2 and rbl2 mutants PAC10
4932 YJR043C Third subunit of DNA polymerase delta, involved in chromosomal DNA replication; required for error-prone DNA synthesis in the presence of DNA damage and processivity; interacts with Hys2p, PCNA (Pol30p), and Pol1p Null mutant is viable but is cold-sensitive, hydroxyurea-sensitive, defective for induced mutagenesis, synthetic lethal with pol3, pol30 and pol31 POL32
4932 YER095W Strand exchange protein, forms a helical filament with DNA that searches for homology; involved in the recombinational repair of double-strand breaks in DNA during vegetative growth and meiosis; homolog of Dmc1p and bacterial RecA protein Null mutant is viable; accumulates meiosis-specific double strand breaks at a recombination hotspot and reduces the formation of physical recombinants and processed double strand breaks with long heterogeneous tails; rad51 mutants are also defective for X-ray damage repair and gene conversions; rad51 rad27 mutants are inviable.; Deletion of this homologous recombination (HR) gene decreases psoralen-induced recombination and increases mutation frequencies. RAD51
4932 YGL058W Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (E2), involved in postreplication repair (with Rad18p), sporulation, telomere silencing, and ubiquitin-mediated N-end rule protein degradation (with Ubr1p) Radiation sensitive. Defective for postreplication repair, repression of retrotransposition, meiotic gene conversion and sporulation. Mutations in srs2 suppress rad6 radiation-sensitivity but not the sporulation defect. rad6 forms recombination intermediates. mgs1 is synthetic lethal with rad6.; Deletion mutants of this post-replication repair (PRR) gene do not have any cross-link-induced mutations but show increased levels of recombination. RAD6
4932 YHR200W Non-ATPase base subunit of the 19S regulatory particle (RP) of the 26S proteasome; N-terminus plays a role in maintaining the structural integrity of the RP; binds selectively to polyubiquitin chains; homolog of the mammalian S5a protein Null mutant is viable, exhibits a modest sensitivity to amino acid analogs and has increased steady-state levels of ubiquitin-protein conjugates RPN10
4932 YDL020C Transcription factor that stimulates expression of proteasome genes; Rpn4p levels are in turn regulated by the 26S proteasome in a negative feedback control mechanism; RPN4 is transcriptionally regulated by various stress responses Null mutant is viable, exhibits synthetic interactions with sen3, sun1, and cdc28-1N RPN4
4932 YMR190C Nucleolar DNA helicase of the RecQ family involved in maintenance of genome integrity, regulates chromosome synapsis and meiotic crossing over; has similarity to human BLM and WRN helicases implicated in Bloom and Werner syndromes Null mutant is viable; strains lacking SGS1 exhibit elevated levels of chromosome misseggregation during both mitotic and meiotic division. sgs1 null strains suppress the slow growth of a top3 delta strain lacking topoisomerase III and show an increase in subtelomeric Y- instability due to hyperrecombination. SGS1
4932 YNL273W Subunit of a replication-pausing checkpoint complex (Tof1p-Mrc1p-Csm3p) that acts at the stalled replication fork to promote sister chromatid cohesion after DNA damage, facilitating gap repair of damaged DNA; interacts with the MCM helicase   TOF1
4932 YLR200W Subunit of the heterohexameric Gim/prefoldin protein complex involved in the folding of alpha-tubulin, beta-tubulin, and actin   YKE2