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SONAR Targetspace for Z-score NB
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Targetspace Analysis
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Dynamic Data Scan For Putative Targets (genetic,physical,all)
Prediction Returned Rows:10
Sym Orf Description Function No All Z_score hyperg
MVP1 YMR004W Protein required for sorting proteins to the vacuole; overproduction of Mvp1p su...   8 89   0
YIP3 YNL044W Protein localized to COPII vesicles, proposed to be involved in ER to Golgi tran...   8 96   NAN
COG2 YGR120C Essential component of the conserved oligomeric Golgi complex (Cog1p through Cog...   8 94   NAN
APM3 YBR288C Mu3-like subunit of the clathrin associated protein complex (AP-3); functions in... clathrin associated protein complex medium subunit 8 147   0
VPS30 YPL120W Protein that forms a membrane-associated complex with Apg14p that is essential f...   8 109   0.0526
RIS1 YOR191W Member of the SWI/SNF family of DNA-dependent ATPases, plays a role in antagoniz... SWI2/SNF2 DNA-dependent ATPase family member (putative) 7 106   0.1184
SAP190 YKR028W Protein that forms a complex with the Sit4p protein phosphatase and is required ... type 2A-related protein phosphatase 7 104   0
VAM10 YOR068C Protein involved in vacuole morphogenesis; acts at an early step of homotypic va... Required for normal tethering of vacuoles prior to fusion. 7 144   0.0267
UPF3 YGR072W Component of the nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) pathway, along with Nam7p an...   7 134   0.1589
SNX4 YJL036W Sorting nexin, involved in the retrieval of late-Golgi SNAREs from the post-Golg...   7 100   0.0011

Service provided by the Mike Tyers Laboratory