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Dynamic Data Scan For Putative Targets (genetic,physical,all)
Prediction Returned Rows:40
Sym Orf Description Function No All Z_score hyperg
PAF1 YBR279W RNA polymerase II-associated protein, defines a large complex that is biochemica...   3 61   0.0656
SAM1 YLR180W S-adenosylmethionine synthetase, catalyzes transfer of the adenosyl group of ATP...   3 11   0.0761
  YLR021W     2 15   0.0711
RIM11 YMR139W Protein kinase required for signal transduction during entry into meiosis; promo...   2 10   0.0844
DYN1 YKR054C Cytoplasmic heavy chain dynein, microtubule motor protein, required for anaphase... heavy chain of cytoplasmic dynein 2 62   0.1746
LDB18 YLL049W Protein of unknown function; null mutant shows a reduced affinity for the alcian...   2 21   0.0352
YVH1 YIR026C Protein phosphatase involved in vegetative growth at low temperatures, sporulati... protein tyrosine phosphatase induced by nitrogen starvation 2 14   0.0844
CDC19 YAL038W Pyruvate kinase, functions as a homotetramer in glycolysis to convert phosphoeno... pyruvate kinase 2 11   0.1396
DSK2 YMR276W Nuclear-enriched ubiquitin-like polyubiquitin-binding protein, required for spin... ubiquitin-like protein 2 22   0.0717
PAC1 YOR269W Protein involved in nuclear migration, part of the dynein/dynactin pathway; targ...   2 32   0.0271
PAC11 YDR488C Dynein intermediate chain, acts in the cytoplasmic dynein pathway, forms cortica...   2 32   0.2855
  ETG3064     2 46   0
BUR2 YLR226W Cyclin for the Sgv1p (Bur1p) protein kinase; Sgv1p and Bur2p comprise a CDK-cycl...   2 40   0.0005
CDC23 YHR166C Subunit of the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C), which is a ubiquiti...   2 32   0.2595
CTR9 YOL145C Component of the Paf1p complex, which is a large complex that binds to and modul...   2 28   0.1107
BBC1 YJL020C Protein possibly involved in assembly of actin patches; interacts with an actin ...   2 28   0.1267
NMD3 YHR170W Protein involved in nuclear export of the large ribosomal subunit; acts as a Crm... factor required for a late assembly step of the 60S subunit 2 10   0.0008
MPS1 YDL028C Dual-specificity kinase required for spindle pole body (SPB) duplication and spi...   2 31   0.2734
RAD23 YEL037C Protein with ubiquitin-like N terminus, recognizes and binds damaged DNA (with R... ubiquitin-like protein 2 50   0.0188
CLB3 YDL155W B-type cyclin involved in cell cycle progression; activates Cdc28p to promote th... B-type cyclin 2 18   0.0009
DYN3 YMR299C Dynein light intermediate chain (LIC); localizes with dynein, null mutant is def... Light intermediate chain of dynein 1 32   0.0687
UTP15 YMR093W Nucleolar protein, component of the small subunit (SSU) processome containing th... U3 snoRNP protein 1 4   0.083
UFO1 YML088W F-box receptor protein, subunit of the Skp1-Cdc53-F-box receptor (SCF) E3 ubiqui... F-box protein 1 1   0
  YML096W     1 1   0
  YLR426W     1 5   0.169
  YMR086W     1 1   0
  YLR012C     1 3   0
SEC10 YLR166C Essential 100kDa subunit of the exocyst complex (Sec3p, Sec5p, Sec6p, Sec8p, Sec... exocyst complex component 1 39   0.034
SEC11 YIR022W 18kDa catalytic subunit of the Signal Peptidase Complex (SPC; Spc1p, Spc2p, Spc3...   1 9   0.1576
THS1 YIL078W Threonyl-tRNA synthetase, essential cytoplasmic protein threonine-tRNA ligase 1 2   0.0995
CFD1 YIL003W Highly conserved, putative P-loop ATPase localized in the cytoplasm; has a poten...   1 5   0.0995
BUD4 YJR092W Protein involved in bud-site selection and required for axial budding pattern; l...   1 10   0
DRS1 YLL008W Nucleolar DEAD-box protein required for ribosome assembly and function, includin... ATP dependent RNA helicase (putative) 1 4   0.0995
RAX2 YLR084C N-glycosylated protein involved in the maintenance of bud site selection during ...   1 1   0
  YLR064W     1 8   0.0405
PRE5 YMR314W 20S proteasome alpha-type subunit 20S proteasome alpha-type subunit 1 1   0.083
GRC3 YLL035W Protein of unknown function, required for cell growth and possibly involved in r...   1 2   0.083
YRF1-6 YNL339C Helicase encoded by the Y- element of subtelomeric regions, highly expressed in ... Y--helicase protein 1 1 4   0
PGA1 YNL158W Essential protein required for maturation of Gas1p and Pho8p; green fluorescent ...   1 7   0.0995
RHO3 YIL118W Non-essential small GTPase of the Rho/Rac subfamily of Ras-like proteins involve... GTP-binding protein|ras homolog 1 36   0

Service provided by the Mike Tyers Laboratory