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SONAR Targetspace for Z-score NB
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Dynamic Data Scan For Putative Targets (genetic,physical,all)
Prediction Returned Rows:17
Sym Orf Description Function No All Z_score hyperg
SEC13 YLR208W Component of both the Nup84 nuclear pore sub-complex and of the COPII complex (S... nuclear pore complex subunit|protein involved in release of transport vesicles from the ER 8 98   0
SSP120 YLR250W Protein of unknown function; green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein loca...   8 11   0
HRD3 YLR207W Resident protein of the ER membrane that plays a central role in ER-associated p...   8 106   0
SPC2 YML055W Subunit of signal peptidase complex (Spc1p, Spc2p, Spc3p, Sec11p), which catalyz... signal peptidase complex subunit|similar to mammalian protein SPC25 8 99   0.0129
  YLR064W     8 34   0
SCJ1 YMR214W One of several homologs of bacterial chaperone DnaJ, located in the ER lumen whe... DnaJ homolog 8 119   0
OST1 YJL002C Alpha subunit of the oligosaccharyltransferase complex of the ER lumen, which ca... 64 kDa, alpha subunit of oligosaccharyltransferase complex; homologous to mammalian ribophorin I 8 92   0
SEC11 YIR022W 18kDa catalytic subunit of the Signal Peptidase Complex (SPC; Spc1p, Spc2p, Spc3...   8 87   0
CUE1 YMR264W Endoplasmic reticulum membrane protein that recruits the ubiquitin-conjugating e... Ubc7p binding and recruitment protein 8 116   0.0003
DPM1 YPR183W Dolichol phosphate mannose (Dol-P-Man) synthase of the ER membrane, catalyzes th... dolichol phosphate mannose synthase 8 65   0
SEC16 YPL085W COPII vesicle coat protein required for ER transport vesicle budding and autopha... vesicle coat component 8 59   0
SEC23 YPR181C GTPase-activating protein; component of the Sec23p-Sec24p heterodimeric complex ... GTPase activating protein (GAP) 8 82   0
SEC62 YPL094C Essential subunit of Sec63 complex (Sec63p, Sec62p, Sec66p and Sec72p); with Sec... ER protein translocation apparatus membrane component 8 95   0
DSL1 YNL258C Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-localized peripheral membrane protein required for Go...   8 34   0.0105
SEC12 YNR026C Guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF); glycosylated integral membrane protein... guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Sar1p 8 51   0
ALG12 YNR030W Alpha-1,6-mannosyltransferase localized to the ER; responsible for the addition ... mannosyltransferase 8 100   0
HRD1 YOL013C Ubiquitin-protein ligase required for endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradati...   8 150   0.0004

Service provided by the Mike Tyers Laboratory