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Dynamic Data Scan For Putative Targets (genetic,physical,all)
Prediction Returned Rows:37
Sym Orf Description Function No All Z_score hyperg
YAK1 YJL141C Serine-threonine protein kinase that is part of a glucose-sensing system involve...   13 69   0
MYO3 YKL129C One of two type I myosins; localizes to actin cortical patches; deletion of MYO3... myosin I 9 54   0
NBP2 YDR162C Protein involved in the HOG (high osmolarity glycerol) pathway, negatively regul...   8 33 -1.9749 0.0093
MSB3 YNL293W GTPase-activating protein for Sec4p and several other Rab GTPases, regulates exo... GTPase activating protein (GAP) for Ypt6 8 27   0
MYO5 YMR109W One of two type I myosins; contains proline-rich tail homology 2 (TH2) and SH3 d... myosin I 7 85   0
MAM33 YIL070C Acidic protein of the mitochondrial matrix involved in oxidative phosphorylation...   7 83   0
HAS1 YMR290C ATP-dependent RNA helicase; localizes to both the nuclear periphery and nucleolu... RNA-dependent helicase (putative) 7 149   0
RPB10 YOR210W RNA polymerase subunit ABC10-beta, common to RNA polymerases I, II, and III RNA polymerase II core subunit 7 71   0
VAM6 YDL077C Vacuolar protein that plays a critical role in the tethering steps of vacuolar m...   7 39   0.0834
KEM1 YGL173C Evolutionarily-conserved 5--3- exonuclease component of cytoplasmic processing (... 5--3- exonuclease 7 95 -17.6932 0.0517
YIP3 YNL044W Protein localized to COPII vesicles, proposed to be involved in ER to Golgi tran...   7 43   NAN
NOP13 YNL175C Protein of unknown function, localizes to the nucleolus and nucleoplasm; contain...   7 65   0
SIK1 YLR197W Essential evolutionarily-conserved nucleolar protein component of the box C/D sn... U3 snoRNP protein 7 116   0
VPS33 YLR396C ATP-binding protein that is a subunit of the homotypic vacuole fusion and vacuol...   7 35   0
EAF7 YNL136W Subunit of the NuA4 histone acetyltransferase complex, which acetylates the N-te...   6 42   0.0978
POX1 YGL205W Fatty-acyl coenzyme A oxidase, involved in the fatty acid beta-oxidation pathway... fatty-acyl coenzyme A oxidase 6 9   0
DFM1 YDR411C Protein of unknown function, localizes to the ER, contains four transmembrane do...   6 26   0
HBT1 YDL223C Substrate of the Hub1p ubiquitin-like protein that localizes to the shmoo tip (m...   6 13   0.0041
BUD27 YFL023W Protein involved in bud-site selection, nutrient signaling, and gene expression ...   6 48   0.0199
NOP12 YOL041C Nucleolar protein, required for pre-25S rRNA processing; contains an RNA recogni...   6 90   0.0002
NOP4 YPL043W Nucleolar protein, essential for processing and maturation of 27S pre-rRNA and l... RNA binding protein (putative) 6 87   0
GYP6 YJL044C GTPase-activating protein (GAP) for the yeast Rab family member, Ypt6p; involved... GTPase activating protein (GAP) for Ypt6 6 13   0
NAP1 YKR048C Protein that interacts with mitotic cyclin Clb2p; required for the regulation of... nucleosome assembly protein I 6 120   0
OSH2 YDL019C Member of an oxysterol-binding protein family with seven members in S. cerevisia...   6 22   0
BMS1 YPL217C Essential conserved nucleolar GTP-binding protein required for synthesis of 40S ...   6 66   0
YMC1 YPR058W Putative mitochondrial inner membrane transporter, member of the mitochondrial c...   6 9   0
RPA12 YJR063W RNA polymerase I subunit A12.2; contains two zinc binding domains, and the N ter... RNA polymerase I A12.2 subunit 6 29   0
RRP12 YPL012W Protein required for export of the ribosomal subunits; associates with the RNA c...   6 104   0
MPC54 YOR177C Component of the meiotic outer plaque, a membrane-organizing center which is ass...   6 20   0
LIP5 YOR196C Protein involved in biosynthesis of the coenzyme lipoic acid, has similarity to ... lipoic acid synthase 6 13   0
GDI1 YER136W GDP dissociation inhibitor, regulates vesicle traffic in secretory pathways by r... GDP dissociation inhibitor 6 25   0
SLH1 YGR271W Putative RNA helicase related to Ski2p, involved in translation inhibition of no...   5 4   0
VAS1 YGR094W Mitochondrial and cytoplasmic valyl-tRNA synthetase valine-tRNA ligase 5 19   0
GIN4 YDR507C Protein kinase involved in bud growth and assembly of the septin ring, proposed ... serine/threonine kinase (putative) 5 72   0
YIP5 YGL161C Protein that interacts with Rab GTPases; computational analysis of large-scale p...   5 14   0
PAM1 YDR251W Essential protein of unknown function; exhibits variable expression during colon...   5 12   0
ADK1 YDR226W Adenylate kinase, required for purine metabolism; localized to the cytoplasm and... adenylate kinase 5 20   0

Service provided by the Mike Tyers Laboratory