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Dynamic Data Scan For Putative Targets (genetic,physical,all)
Prediction Returned Rows:26
Sym Orf Description Function No All Z_score hyperg
LRS4 YDR439W Protein involved in rDNA silencing; positively charged coiled-coil protein with ...   16 106   0
RRM3 YHR031C DNA helicase involved in rDNA replication and Ty1 transposition; structurally an... DNA helicase 15 93   0.0994
SLX8 YER116C Protein containing a RING finger domain that forms a complex with Hex3p; mutant ...   15 121   0.0002
NPT1 YOR209C Nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase, acts in the salvage pathway of NAD+ biosyn... nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase 13 142   0.0308
SWF1 YDR126W Palmitoyltransferase that acts on the SNAREs Snc1p, Syn8p, Tlg1p and likely on a...   13 48   0.0004
MMS1 YPR164W Protein likely involved in protection against replication-dependent DNA damage; ...   12 83   0.0331
CCS1 YMR038C Copper chaperone for superoxide dismutase Sod1p, involved in oxidative stress pr... copper chaperone 12 129   NAN
PIF1 YML061C DNA helicase involved in telomere formation and elongation; acts as a catalytic ... 5--3- DNA helicase 11 104   0.0095
BRO1 YPL084W Cytoplasmic class E vacuolar protein sorting (VPS) factor that coordinates deubi...   11 31   0
SKY1 YMR216C SR protein kinase (SRPK) involved in regulating proteins involved in mRNA metabo...   10 97   0.0067
CSM1 YCR086W Nucleolar protein that forms a complex with Lrs4p which binds Mam1p at kinetocho...   10 123   0.0345
TSA1 YML028W Ubiquitous housekeeping thioredoxin peroxidase, reduces reactive oxygen, nitroge... thioredoxin peroxidase 10 147   0.0075
TFP1 YDL185W Vacuolar ATPase V1 domain subunit A containing the catalytic nucleotide binding ... protein with three regions (ABC) that are spliced to yield the extein AC and the intein B; AC is a 69K vacuolar (H+)-ATPase, and B is a 50K site-specfic endonuclease named VDE (PI-SceI) that is homologous to HO. Cleavage is meiosis-specific and induces ge|site-specific endonuclease VDE (PI-SceI)|vacuolar ATPase V1 domain subunit A (69 kDa) 9 65 -2.3639 0.1438
HMO1 YDR174W Chromatin associated high mobility group (HMG) family member involved in genome ... high mobility group (HMG) family 9 60   0.0014
MVP1 YMR004W Protein required for sorting proteins to the vacuole; overproduction of Mvp1p su...   9 16   0
ARL1 YBR164C Soluble GTPase with a role in regulation of membrane traffic; regulates potassiu... ADP-ribosylation factor-like protein 1 9 141   0
CDC2 YDL102W Catalytic subunit of DNA polymerase delta; required for chromosomal DNA replicat... DNA polymerase III catalytic (delta) subunit 9 90   0.1488
YPT1 YFL038C Ras-like small GTPase, involved in the ER-to-Golgi step of the secretory pathway... GTP-binding protein|ras homolog|similar to mammalian Rab1A protein 9 56   0.0074
RTT107 YHR154W Protein that interacts with Mms22p and is implicated in Mms22-dependent DNA repa...   9 94   0
ERV14 YGL054C Protein localized to COPII-coated vesicles, involved in vesicle formation and in... 14 kDa protein found on ER-derived vesicles 9 76   NAN
SAE2 YGL175C Protein with a role in accurate meiotic and mitotic double-strand break repair; ...   8 33   0.0013
SLA2 YNL243W Transmembrane actin-binding protein involved in membrane cytoskeleton assembly a... transmembrane protein 8 64   0.1278
NHX1 YDR456W Endosomal Na+/H+ exchanger, required for intracellular sequestration of Na+; req... Na+/H+ exchanger 8 61   0
PKR1 YMR123W Protein of unknown function; overproduction confers resistance to Pichia farinos...   8 32   0
CAC2 YML102W Component of the chromatin assembly complex (with Rlf2p and Msi1p) that assemble... chromatin assembly factor-I (CAF-I) p60 subunit 8 45   0.1271
POL30 YBR088C Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), functions as the sliding clamp for DN... Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA) 8 78   0.0089

Service provided by the Mike Tyers Laboratory