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Dynamic Data Scan For Putative Targets (genetic,physical,all)
Prediction Returned Rows:39
Sym Orf Description Function No All Z_score hyperg
MKK2 YPL140C Mitogen-activated kinase kinase involved in protein kinase C signaling pathway t... protein kinase 12 33   0
BCK1 YJL095W Mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase kinase kinase acting in the protein kinas... MEKK 12 143 -9.6679 0
LIP5 YOR196C Protein involved in biosynthesis of the coenzyme lipoic acid, has similarity to ... lipoic acid synthase 8 13   0
NBP2 YDR162C Protein involved in the HOG (high osmolarity glycerol) pathway, negatively regul...   8 33 -2.5243 0.0093
MYO3 YKL129C One of two type I myosins; localizes to actin cortical patches; deletion of MYO3... myosin I 8 54   0
MYO5 YMR109W One of two type I myosins; contains proline-rich tail homology 2 (TH2) and SH3 d... myosin I 7 85   0
DFM1 YDR411C Protein of unknown function, localizes to the ER, contains four transmembrane do...   6 26   0
OSH2 YDL019C Member of an oxysterol-binding protein family with seven members in S. cerevisia...   6 22   0
MPC54 YOR177C Component of the meiotic outer plaque, a membrane-organizing center which is ass...   6 20   0
CSM1 YCR086W Nucleolar protein that forms a complex with Lrs4p which binds Mam1p at kinetocho...   6 73   0.0015
CDC55 YGL190C Non-essential regulatory subunit B of protein phosphatase 2A; has multiple roles... protein phosphatase 2A regulatory subunit B 6 66   0
AEP1 YMR064W Protein required for expression of the mitochondrial OLI1 gene encoding subunit ...   5 5   0
  YNL022C     5 12   0
YAK1 YJL141C Serine-threonine protein kinase that is part of a glucose-sensing system involve...   5 69   0
DOM34 YNL001W Probable RNA-binding protein, functions in protein translation to promote G1 pro...   5 13   0
ELO1 YJL196C Elongase I, medium-chain acyl elongase, catalyzes carboxy-terminal elongation of... elongase 5 2   0
PET309 YLR067C Specific translational activator for the COX1 mRNA, also influences stability of...   5 14   0.028
STT4 YLR305C Phosphatidylinositol-4-kinase that functions in the Pkc1p protein kinase pathway... phosphatidylinositol-4-kinase|similar to VPC34 5 19   0
BUD4 YJR092W Protein involved in bud-site selection and required for axial budding pattern; l...   5 27   0
RPA12 YJR063W RNA polymerase I subunit A12.2; contains two zinc binding domains, and the N ter... RNA polymerase I A12.2 subunit 5 29   0.0001
JJJ3 YJR097W Protein of unknown function, contains a J-domain, which is a region with homolog...   5 11   0
EBP2 YKL172W Essential protein required for the maturation of 25S rRNA and 60S ribosomal subu... nucleolar protein 5 73   0
PWP1 YLR196W Protein with WD-40 repeats involved in rRNA processing; associates with trans-ac...   5 67   0
CBP1 YJL209W Mitochondrial protein that interacts with the 5--untranslated region of the COB ...   5 4   0
EAF7 YNL136W Subunit of the NuA4 histone acetyltransferase complex, which acetylates the N-te...   5 42   0.1606
  YNL034W     5 2   0
PKC1 YBL105C Protein serine/threonine kinase essential for cell wall remodeling during growth...   5 42   0.0127
YMC1 YPR058W Putative mitochondrial inner membrane transporter, member of the mitochondrial c...   5 9   0
PKH3 YDR466W Protein kinase with similarity to mammalian phosphoinositide-dependent kinase 1 ...   5 43   0
  YKL161C     5 18   0.0912
LSP1 YPL004C Integral membrane protein that along with Pil1p is a primary component of eisoso...   5 79   0
UBP15 YMR304W Ubiquitin-specific protease that may play a role in ubiquitin precursor processi...   5 54   0.0001
  YPL191C     5 4   0
NOP4 YPL043W Nucleolar protein, essential for processing and maturation of 27S pre-rRNA and l... RNA binding protein (putative) 5 87   0
FYV6 YNL133C Protein of unknown function, required for survival upon exposure to K1 killer to...   5 4   0
APJ1 YNL077W Putative chaperone of the HSP40 (DNAJ) family; overexpression interferes with pr... J-protein co-chaperone family 20 kDa 5 8   0
SHQ1 YIL104C Essential nuclear protein, required for accumulation of box H/ACA snoRNAs and fo...   5 11   0
MRM1 YOR201C Ribose methyltransferase that modifies a functionally critical, conserved nucleo... ribose methyltransferase for mitochondrial 21S rRNA 5 11   0
RRS1 YOR294W Essential protein that binds ribosomal protein L11 and is required for nuclear e...   5 64   0

Service provided by the Mike Tyers Laboratory