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Dynamic Data Scan For Putative Targets (genetic,physical,all)
Prediction Returned Rows:38
Sym Orf Description Function No All Z_score hyperg
ERS1 YCR075C Protein with similarity to human cystinosin, which is a H(+)-driven transporter ...   12 67   0
CCW12 YLR110C Cell wall protein, mutants are defective in mating and agglutination, expression... cell wall mannoprotein 12 143   0.0001
PIR1 YKL164C O-glycosylated protein required for cell wall stability; attached to the cell wa...   10 36   0
BIO2 YGR286C Biotin synthase, catalyzes the conversion of dethiobiotin to biotin, which is th... biotin synthase 10 30   0
  YKL161C     10 35   0.1116
SLG1 YOR008C Sensor-transducer of the stress-activated PKC1-MPK1 kinase pathway involved in m...   8 71   0.0529
DFM1 YDR411C Protein of unknown function, localizes to the ER, contains four transmembrane do...   8 57   0
MTL1 YGR023W Protein with both structural and functional similarity to Mid2p, which is a plas... acts in concert with Mid2p to transduce cell wall stress signals 8 30   0
MYO3 YKL129C One of two type I myosins; localizes to actin cortical patches; deletion of MYO3... myosin I 8 67   0
HKR1 YDR420W Serine/threonine rich cell surface protein that contains an EF hand motif; invol... contains EF hand motif|type I transmembrane protein 8 77   0
ERV46 YAL042W Protein localized to COPII-coated vesicles, forms a complex with Erv41p; involve... ER-Golgi transport vesicle protein 8 83   0
BRO1 YPL084W Cytoplasmic class E vacuolar protein sorting (VPS) factor that coordinates deubi...   7 80   0
  YNL181W     7 64   NAN
MYO5 YMR109W One of two type I myosins; contains proline-rich tail homology 2 (TH2) and SH3 d... myosin I 6 118   0.0002
MPC54 YOR177C Component of the meiotic outer plaque, a membrane-organizing center which is ass...   6 25   0
ERG10 YPL028W Acetyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase (acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase), cytosolic enzyme that... acetoacetyl CoA thiolase 6 50   0
SSY1 YDR160W Component of the SPS plasma membrane amino acid sensor system (Ssy1p-Ptr3p-Ssy5p...   6 99   0
CWH43 YCR017C Putative sensor/transporter protein involved in cell wall biogenesis; contains 1...   6 77   0.0879
PTR3 YFR029W Component of the SPS plasma membrane amino acid sensor system (Ssy1p-Ptr3p-Ssy5p...   6 72   0
MET30 YIL046W F-box protein containing five copies of the WD40 motif, controls cell cycle func... F-box protein 6 108   0
OSH2 YDL019C Member of an oxysterol-binding protein family with seven members in S. cerevisia...   6 46   0
CBS1 YDL069C Mitochondrial translational activator of the COB mRNA; membrane protein that int... translational activator of cytochrome B 5 6   0
RPB10 YOR210W RNA polymerase subunit ABC10-beta, common to RNA polymerases I, II, and III RNA polymerase II core subunit 5 72   0
PTP2 YOR208W Phosphotyrosine-specific protein phosphatase involved in the inactivation of mit... tyrosine phosphatase 5 51   0.0001
LIP5 YOR196C Protein involved in biosynthesis of the coenzyme lipoic acid, has similarity to ... lipoic acid synthase 5 129   0
MRM1 YOR201C Ribose methyltransferase that modifies a functionally critical, conserved nucleo... ribose methyltransferase for mitochondrial 21S rRNA 5 32   0
PET127 YOR017W Protein with a role in mitochondrial RNA stability and/or processing, located in... mitochondrial membrane protein 5 50   0
RGD2 YFL047W GTPase-activating protein (RhoGAP) for Cdc42p and Rho5p   5 19   0
GSY1 YFR015C Glycogen synthase with similarity to Gsy2p, the more highly expressed yeast homo... glycogen synthase (UDP-glucose-starch glucosyltransferase) 5 26   0
PAM1 YDR251W Essential protein of unknown function; exhibits variable expression during colon...   5 21   0
APJ1 YNL077W Putative chaperone of the HSP40 (DNAJ) family; overexpression interferes with pr... J-protein co-chaperone family 20 kDa 5 26   0
ADK1 YDR226W Adenylate kinase, required for purine metabolism; localized to the cytoplasm and... adenylate kinase 5 23   0
  YNL034W     5 3   0
  YDR326C     5 10   0
FYV6 YNL133C Protein of unknown function, required for survival upon exposure to K1 killer to...   5 9   0
DOM34 YNL001W Probable RNA-binding protein, functions in protein translation to promote G1 pro...   5 79   0
SRO77 YBL106C Protein with roles in exocytosis and cation homeostasis; functions in docking an... yeast homolog of the Drosophila tumor suppressor, lethal giant larvae 5 24   0
FAA2 YER015W Long chain fatty acyl-CoA synthetase; accepts a wider range of acyl chain length... acyl-CoA synthetase (fatty acid activator 2) 5 8 -18.2940 0

Service provided by the Mike Tyers Laboratory