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SONAR Targetspace for AMIPRILOSEZ-score WebGraph NB WebGraph
Targetspace hs 154 0
Targetspace hs pval0.0245398773006131
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Dynamic Data Scan For Putative Targets (genetic,physical,all)
Prediction Returned Rows:39
Sym Orf Description Function No All Z_score hyperg
  YLR168C     2 34   0.0004
FMP24 YMR115W The authentic, non-tagged protein was localized to the mitochondria   2 80   0.0097
HSP78 YDR258C Oligomeric mitochondrial matrix chaperone that cooperates with Ssc1p in mitochon... heat shock protein 78 2 65   0
HXT8 YJL214W Protein of unknown function with similarity to hexose transporter family members... hexose permease 2 39   0
ODC1 YPL134C Mitochondrial inner membrane transporter, exports 2-oxoadipate and 2-oxoglutarat... mitochondrial 2-oxodicarboxylate transport protein 2 28   0
  YBL100W-A     1 1   0
QDR3 YBR043C Multidrug transporter required for resistance to quinidine, barban, cisplatin, a...   1 7   0
FUN19 YAL034C Non-essential protein of unknown function   1 19   0
  YCR100C     1 8   0
PRD1 YCL057W Zinc metalloendopeptidase, found in the cytoplasm and intermembrane space of mit...   1 4   0
PMD1 YER132C Protein with an N-terminal kelch-like domain, putative negative regulator of ear...   1 23   0.0205
  YDL156W     1 23   0.3122
ADH7 YCR105W NADPH-dependent cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase family member with broad substrat... medium chain alcohol dehydrogenase 1 12   0
FOL3 YMR113W Dihydrofolate synthetase, involved in folic acid biosynthesis; catalyzes the con... dihydrofolate synthetase 1 4   0
ATE1 YGL017W Arginyl-tRNA-protein transferase, catalyzes post-translational conjugation of ar... arginyl-tRNA-protein transferase 1 11   0
EXG1 YLR300W Major exo-1,3-beta-glucanase of the cell wall, involved in cell wall beta-glucan... exo-1,3-beta-glucanase 1 65   0
MTM1 YGR257C Mitochondrial protein of the mitochondrial carrier family, involved in activatin... putative mitochondrial carrier protein 1 4   0.0003
VID30 YGL227W Protein involved in proteasome-dependent catabolite degradation of fructose-1,6-...   1 66 -0.6367 0
FCY21 YER060W Putative purine-cytosine permease, very similar to Fcy2p but cannot substitute f... purine-cytosine permease 1 6   0
MRPS8 YMR158W Mitochondrial ribosomal protein of the small subunit   1 28   0.0002
MDM38 YOL027C Mitochondrial inner membrane protein, required for K+/H+ exchange and for normal...   1 105   0.0001
RRF1 YHR038W Mitochondrial ribosome recycling factor, essential for mitochondrial protein syn... mitochondrial ribosome recycling factor 1 27   0
PCF11 YDR228C mRNA 3- end processing factor, essential component of cleavage and polyadenylati... cleavage and polyadenylation factor CF I component involved in pre-mRNA 3--end processing 1 83   0
MGR2 YPL098C Protein required for growth of cells lacking the mitochondrial genome   1 79   0.0005
  YER138C     1 11   0
  YER160C     1 8   0
  YOL125W     1 11   0
HMI1 YOL095C Mitochondrial inner membrane localized ATP-dependent DNA helicase, required for ...   1 114   0
  YOL083W     1 19   0
ABZ1 YNR033W Para-aminobenzoate (PABA) synthase, has similarity to Escherichia coli PABA synt... aminodeoxychorismate synthase 1 44   0
  YPR013C     1 31   0
MRK1 YDL079C Glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK-3) homolog; one of four GSK-3 homologs in S. cer... MDS1 related protein kinase 1 35   0.0294
ARP5 YNL059C Nuclear actin-related protein involved in chromatin remodeling, component of chr... actin related protein 1 34   0
UBX4 YMR067C UBX (ubiquitin regulatory X) domain-containing protein that interacts with Cdc48...   1 69   0.0882
BUL2 YML111W Component of the Rsp5p E3-ubiquitin ligase complex, involved in intracellular am...   1 41   0.037
HUL4 YJR036C Protein with similarity to hect domain E3 ubiquitin-protein ligases, not essenti... ubiquitin ligase (E3) 1 31   0
  YNL187W     1 14   0
  YLR030W     1 6   0
  YGL235W     1 107   0

Service provided by the Mike Tyers Laboratory