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SONAR Targetspace for Z-score NB
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Dynamic Data Scan For Putative Targets (genetic,physical,all)
Prediction Returned Rows:33
Sym Orf Description Function No All Z_score hyperg
GYP1 YOR070C Cis-golgi GTPase-activating protein (GAP) for the Rab family members Ypt1p (in v... GTPase activating protein (GAP) 8 67 -3.4551 0
VPS17 YOR132W Subunit of the membrane-associated retromer complex essential for endosome-to-Go...   7 21   0.0218
PKR1 YMR123W Protein of unknown function; overproduction confers resistance to Pichia farinos...   6 32   0
SNX4 YJL036W Sorting nexin, involved in the retrieval of late-Golgi SNAREs from the post-Golg...   6 12   0.0049
YPT1 YFL038C Ras-like small GTPase, involved in the ER-to-Golgi step of the secretory pathway... GTP-binding protein|ras homolog|similar to mammalian Rab1A protein 6 56   0.0005
RAV1 YJR033C Subunit of the RAVE complex (Rav1p, Rav2p, Skp1p), which promotes assembly of th...   5 30   0.1876
MVP1 YMR004W Protein required for sorting proteins to the vacuole; overproduction of Mvp1p su...   5 16   0
VPS30 YPL120W Protein that forms a membrane-associated complex with Apg14p that is essential f...   5 25   0.1879
MAK3 YPR051W Catalytic subunit of N-terminal acetyltransferase of the NatC type; required for... N-acetyltransferase 5 20   0.0005
NHX1 YDR456W Endosomal Na+/H+ exchanger, required for intracellular sequestration of Na+; req... Na+/H+ exchanger 5 61   0.0001
VPS74 YDR372C Non-essential protein of unknown function involved in vacuolar protein sorting; ...   5 47   0.1819
STV1 YMR054W Subunit of vacuolar-ATPase V0 domain, one of two isoforms (Stv1p and Vph1p); Stv... 110 kDa subunit; not in vacuole membrane|vacuolar H-ATPase 5 10   0
GSG1 YDR108W Subunit of TRAPP (transport protein particle), a multi-subunit complex involved ...   4 97   0
VAM6 YDL077C Vacuolar protein that plays a critical role in the tethering steps of vacuolar m...   4 20   0.2049
SWA2 YDR320C Auxilin-like protein involved in vesicular transport; clathrin-binding protein r... auxilin-like protein 4 24   0
VAM3 YOR106W Syntaxin-related protein required for vacuolar assembly; functions with Vam7p in... syntaxin family 4 25 -2.3274 0
VPS5 YOR069W Nexin-1 homolog required for localizing membrane proteins from a prevacuolar/lat... simialr to sorting nexin I 4 26   0.0126
VAM10 YOR068C Protein involved in vacuole morphogenesis; acts at an early step of homotypic va... Required for normal tethering of vacuoles prior to fusion. 4 18   0.1902
COG6 YNL041C Component of the conserved oligomeric Golgi complex (Cog1p through Cog8p), a cyt...   4 57   0
GOS1 YHL031C v-SNARE protein involved in Golgi transport, homolog of the mammalian protein GO...   4 56   0
COG2 YGR120C Essential component of the conserved oligomeric Golgi complex (Cog1p through Cog...   4 23   0
SUM1 YDR310C Transcriptional repressor required for mitotic repression of middle sporulation-...   4 139   0.1665
Mon2 YNL297C Peripheral membrane protein with a role in endocytosis and vacuole integrity, in...   4 54   0
RTF1 YGL244W Subunit of the RNA polymerase II-associated Paf1 complex; directly or indirectly... nuclear protein 4 95   0.0552
  ETG9627     4 5   0
PEP8 YJL053W Vacuolar protein sorting protein that forms part of the multimeric membrane-asso... vacuolar protein similar to mouse gene H<beta>58 4 27   0
CSF1 YLR087C Protein required for fermentation at low temperature   4 37   0
BRE2 YLR015W Subunit of the COMPASS (Set1C) complex, which methylates histone H3 on lysine 4 ... compass (complex proteins associated with Set1p) component 4 61   0.2062
VAM7 YGL212W Component of the vacuole SNARE complex involved in vacuolar morphogenesis; SNAP-... heptad repeat motif|hydrophilic protein 4 17   0.1318
ARL3 YPL051W GTPase of the Ras superfamily required to recruit Arl1p to the Golgi; similar to...   4 42 -6.9510 0
TUB2 YFL037W Beta-tubulin; associates with alpha-tubulin (Tub1p and Tub3p) to form tubulin di... beta-tubulin 4 50   0.0017
CDC50 YCR094W Endosomal protein that regulates cell polarity; similar to Ynr048wp and Lem3p   4 41   0
TFP1 YDL185W Vacuolar ATPase V1 domain subunit A containing the catalytic nucleotide binding ... protein with three regions (ABC) that are spliced to yield the extein AC and the intein B; AC is a 69K vacuolar (H+)-ATPase, and B is a 50K site-specfic endonuclease named VDE (PI-SceI) that is homologous to HO. Cleavage is meiosis-specific and induces ge|site-specific endonuclease VDE (PI-SceI)|vacuolar ATPase V1 domain subunit A (69 kDa) 4 65   0.0185

Service provided by the Mike Tyers Laboratory