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Targetspace hs 0 175
Targetspace hs pval10.15172413793103
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Dynamic Data Scan For Putative Targets (genetic,physical,all)
Prediction Returned Rows:37
Sym Orf Description Function No All Z_score hyperg
PCL2 YDL127W G1 cyclin, associates with Pho85p cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) to contribute to... G1 cyclin 15 19   0
PCL1 YNL289W Pho85 cyclin of the Pcl1,2-like subfamily, involved in entry into the mitotic ce... G1 cyclin|associates with PHO85 14 25   0.022
PDE2 YOR360C High-affinity cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase, component of the cAMP-dependent prot... high affinity cAMP phosphodiesterase 11 62   0.1328
MYO2 YOR326W One of two type V myosins, involved in polarized distribution of mitochondria; r... class V myosin 9 104   0
RHO5 YNL180C Non-essential small GTPase of the Rho/Rac subfamily of Ras-like proteins, likely... rho GTPase 7 8   0.0465
  YKL037W     7 12   0.0347
ARC40 YBR234C Essential subunit of the ARP2/3 complex, which is required for the motility and ...   7 44   NAN
ROM2 YLR371W GDP/GTP exchange protein (GEP) for Rho1p and Rho2p; mutations are synthetically ...   7 71 -2.1111 0.0787
CLN2 YPL256C G1 cyclin involved in regulation of the cell cycle; activates Cdc28p kinase to p... G1 cyclin 6 110 -3.1548 0.0001
TUS1 YLR425W Guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) that functions to modulate Rhop1 activi...   6 26   0.0311
ARP2 YDL029W Essential component of the Arp2/3 complex, which is a highly conserved actin nuc... actin related protein 6 99   NAN
TSC11 YER093C Subunit of TORC2 (Tor2p-Lst8p-Avo1-Avo2-Tsc11p-Bit61p), a membrane-associated co...   6 24   0.0012
YPK2 YMR104C Protein kinase with similarityto serine/threonine protein kinase Ypk1p; function... protein kinase 5 12   0
MOB1 YIL106W Component of the mitotic exit network; associates with and is required for the a...   5 22   0
POG1 YIL122W Putative transcriptional activator that promotes recovery from pheromone induced... transcription factor (putative) 5 7   0
DOT1 YDR440W Nucleosomal histone H3-Lys79 methylase, associates with transcriptionally active...   5 60   0.0964
CDC53 YDL132W Cullin, structural protein of SCF complexes (which also contain Skp1p, Cdc34p, a...   5 24   0.0001
MEC3 YLR288C DNA damage and meiotic pachytene checkpoint protein; subunit of a heterotrimeric...   5 71   0.0027
LAS21 YJL062W Integral plasma membrane protein involved in the synthesis of the glycosylphosph... major facilitator superfamily (putative)|membrane protein (putative) 5 74   0.0005
CDC34 YDR054C Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme or E2; together with Skp1p, Rbx1p, Cdc53p, and an F... ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme 5 58   0.0113
HKR1 YDR420W Serine/threonine rich cell surface protein that contains an EF hand motif; invol... contains EF hand motif|type I transmembrane protein 5 25   0
DPM1 YPR183W Dolichol phosphate mannose (Dol-P-Man) synthase of the ER membrane, catalyzes th... dolichol phosphate mannose synthase 5 8   0.0002
PTP2 YOR208W Phosphotyrosine-specific protein phosphatase involved in the inactivation of mit... tyrosine phosphatase 5 28   0.0001
SPA2 YLL021W Component of the polarisome, which functions in actin cytoskeletal organization ...   5 54   0
  YKL161C     5 5   0.0912
CDC15 YAR019C Protein kinase of the Mitotic Exit Network that is localized to the spindle pole... protein kinase domain 5 66   0.1399
SBE2 YDR351W Protein involved in the transport of cell wall components from the Golgi to the ...   5 7   0.018
DDC1 YPL194W DNA damage checkpoint protein, part of a PCNA-like complex required for DNA dama...   5 67   0
MMS2 YGL087C Protein involved in error-free postreplication DNA repair; forms a heteromeric c...   5 42   0
PIN4 YBL051C Protein involved in G2/M phase progression and response to DNA damage, interacts...   5 25   0.1862
ESC2 YDR363W Protein involved in mating-type locus silencing, interacts with Sir2p; probably ...   4 74   0
SMY1 YKL079W Protein that interacts with Myo2p, proposed to be involved in exocytosis; N-term... kinesin heavy chain homolog 4 29   0
HYS2 YJR006W DNA polymerase III (delta) subunit, essential for cell viability; involved in DN... DNA polymerase delta subunit 4 17   0.0008
SUB1 YMR039C Transcriptional coactivator, facilitates elongation by influencing enzymes that ... transcriptional coactivator 4 50   0.0766
FKS1 YLR342W Catalytic subunit of 1,3-beta-D-glucan synthase, functionally redundant with alt... 1,3-beta-D-glucan synthase 4 126 -0.4132 0
KAR1 YNL188W Essential protein involved in karyogamy during mating and in spindle pole body d...   4 16   0.2072
HMO1 YDR174W Chromatin associated high mobility group (HMG) family member involved in genome ... high mobility group (HMG) family 4 60   0.1712

Service provided by the Mike Tyers Laboratory