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SONAR Targetspace for 6,4--DIMETHOXYFLAVONEZ-score WebGraph NB WebGraph
Targetspace hs 0 362
Targetspace hs pval10.65346534653465
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Dynamic Data Scan For Putative Targets (genetic,physical,all)
Prediction Returned Rows:39
Sym Orf Description Function No All Z_score hyperg
ARO2 YGL148W Bifunctional chorismate synthase and flavin reductase, catalyzes the conversion ... chorismate synthase 4 148   0
LEU9 YOR108W Alpha-isopropylmalate synthase II (2-isopropylmalate synthase), catalyzes the fi... alpha-isopropylmalate synthase (2-isopropylmalate synthase) 2 55   0
TSA2 YDR453C Stress inducible cytoplasmic thioredoxin peroxidase; cooperates with Tsa1p in th...   2 39   0
BIT2 YBR270C Hypothetical protein   2 67   0
STP2 YHR006W Transcription factor, activated by proteolytic processing in response to signals...   2 75   0
TOA1 YOR194C TFIIA large subunit; involved in transcriptional activation, acts as antirepress... transcription factor IIA subunit alpha 2 19   0
VRG4 YGL225W Golgi GDP-mannose transporter; regulates Golgi function and glycosylation in Gol...   2 46   0.1822
MCX1 YBR227C Mitochondrial ATP-binding protein, possibly a mitochondrial chaperone with non-p... ATP-binding protein|similar to ClpX 2 60   0
JID1 YPR061C Probable Hsp40p co-chaperone, has a DnaJ-like domain and appears to be involved ...   2 133   0
DAP2 YHR028C Dipeptidyl aminopeptidase, synthesized as a glycosylated precursor; localizes to... dipeptidyl aminopeptidase B (DPAP B)|dipeptidyl aminopeptidase yscV 2 58   0
  YOL092W     2 42   0
HMI1 YOL095C Mitochondrial inner membrane localized ATP-dependent DNA helicase, required for ...   1 114   0
CYM1 YDR430C Lysine-specific metalloprotease of the mitochondrial intermembrane space, member... Metalloprotease 1 23   0
LPE10 YPL060W Mitochondrial inner membrane magnesium transporter, involved in maintenance of m...   1 28   0
  YBR235W     1 51   0
SIP3 YNL257C Protein that activates transcription through interaction with DNA-bound Snf1p, C... transcriptional activator (putative) 1 34   0
RPL9A YGL147C Protein component of the large (60S) ribosomal subunit, nearly identical to Rpl9... ribosomal protein L9A (L8A) (rp24) (YL11) 1 102   0.2809
LSC2 YGR244C Beta subunit of succinyl-CoA ligase, which is a mitochondrial enzyme of the TCA ...   1 73   0.006
SRP102 YKL154W Signal recognition particle (SRP) receptor beta subunit; involved in SRP-depende...   1 41   0
SNL1 YIL016W Protein of unknown function proposed to be involved in nuclear pore complex biog... 18.3 kDa integral membrane protein 1 60   0
MNL1 YHR204W Alpha mannosidase-like protein of the endoplasmic reticulum required for degrada...   1 23   0
PBN1 YCL052C Essential component of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-mannosyltransferase I, requi... protease B nonderepressible form 1 16   0
LOT5 YKL183W Protein of unknown function; gene expression increases in cultures shifted to a ...   1 12   0
  YKR005C     1 2   0.0906
  YBR159W     1 143   0
PEX3 YDR329C Peroxisomal membrane protein (PMP) required to recruit Pex19p chaperone to perox... 48 kDa peroxisomal integral membrane protein 1 60   0
PHO91 YNR013C Low-affinity phosphate transporter; deletion of pho84, pho87, pho89, pho90, and ...   1 29   0.006
CAN1 YEL063C Plasma membrane arginine permease, requires phosphatidyl ethanolamine (PE) for l... arginine permease 1 63   0
  YJR015W     1 25   0.0197
TOA2 YKL058W TFIIA small subunit; involved in transcriptional activation, acts as antirepress... beta|transcription factor IIA subunit 1 25   0
  YJL160C     1 103   0
  ETG74915     1 1   0
SUV3 YPL029W ATP-dependent RNA helicase, component of the mitochondrial degradosome along wit...   1 74   0
NCR1 YPL006W Vacuolar membrane protein that transits through the biosynthetic vacuolar protei... transmembrane protein (putative) 1 91   0
FRT1 YOR324C Tail-anchored endoplasmic reticulum membrane protein that is a substrate of the ...   1 35   0
VTC1 YER072W Vacuolar transporter chaperon (VTC) involved in distributing V-ATPase and other ... S. pombe Nrf1p homolog (97% identical in predicted amino acid sequence) 1 92   0
LYS9 YNR050C Saccharopine dehydrogenase (NADP+, L-glutamate-forming); catalyzes the formation...   1 15   0
FRE1 YLR214W Ferric reductase and cupric reductase, reduces siderophore-bound iron and oxidiz... cupric reductase|ferric reductase 1 36   0.3648
RPF1 YHR088W Nucleolar protein involved in the assembly of the large ribosomal subunit; const...   1 83   0

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