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SONAR Targetspace for BENFLUOREX HYDROCHLORIDEZ-score WebGraph NB WebGraph
Targetspace hs 123 216
Targetspace hs pval0.0351239669421490.037267080745342
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Dynamic Data Scan For Putative Targets (genetic,physical,all)
Prediction Returned Rows:40
Sym Orf Description Function No All Z_score hyperg
CMP2 YML057W Calcineurin A; one isoform (the other is CNA1) of the catalytic subunit of calci... calcineurin subunit A 4 11   0.0474
GSC2 YGR032W Catalytic subunit of 1,3-beta-glucan synthase, has similarity to an alternate ca... 1,3-beta-D-glucan synthase 4 9   0.0311
CNA1 YLR433C Calcineurin A; one isoform (the other is CMP2) of the catalytic subunit of calci... calcineurin subunit A 4 12   0.1534
SLA1 YBL007C Cytoskeletal protein binding protein required for assembly of the cortical actin... cytoskeletal protein binding protein 3 52   0.0006
PFA4 YOL003C Palmitoyltransferase with autoacylation activity; member of a family of putative... palmitoyltransferase 3 7   0.1323
IMP2- YIL154C Transcriptional activator involved in maintenance of ion homeostasis and protect... transcription factor 2 13   0.0003
CRH1 YGR189C Putative glycosidase of the cell wall, may have a role in cell wall architecture cell wall protein 2 4   0.0002
RPL20B YOR312C Protein component of the large (60S) ribosomal subunit, nearly identical to Rpl2... ribosomal protein L20B (L18B) 2 10   0.0646
PXL1 YKR090W LIM domain-containing protein that localizes to sites of polarized growth, requi...   2 4   0.1236
  YGL196W     2 3   0.0013
MSB1 YOR188W Protein involved in positive regulation of both 1,3-beta-glucan synthesis and th...   2 11   0.1078
RIM20 YOR275C Protein involved in proteolytic activation of Rim101p in response to alkaline pH...   2 33   0.1512
FKS3 YMR306W Protein of unknown function, has similarity to 1,3-beta-D-glucan synthase cataly...   2 3   0.0054
PSP2 YML017W Asn rich cytoplasmic protein that contains RGG motifs; high-copy suppressor of g...   2 13   0.0016
FPR1 YNL135C Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (PPIase), binds to the drugs FK506 and rapam... peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (PPIase) 2 22   0.0649
NUC1 YJL208C Major mitochondrial nuclease, has RNAse and DNA endo- and exonucleolytic activit... nuclease 2 4   0.0862
DID4 YKL002W Class E Vps protein of the ESCRT-III complex, required for sorting of integral m... class E vacuolar-protein sorting and endocytosis factor 2 17   0.2141
DFG16 YOR030W Probable multiple transmembrane protein, involved in invasive growth upon nitrog...   2 21   0.0005
WSC3 YOL105C Partially redundant sensor-transducer of the stress-activated PKC1-MPK1 signalin... contains novel cysteine motif|integral membrane protein (putative)|similar to SLG1 (WSC1), WSC2 and WSC4 2 13   0.0013
RIM8 YGL045W Protein of unknown function, involved in the proteolytic activation of Rim101p i...   2 24   0.0298
CDC39 YCR093W Component of the CCR4-NOT complex, which has multiple roles in regulating mRNA l... transcriptional regulator 2 23   0.0018
HBT1 YDL223C Substrate of the Hub1p ubiquitin-like protein that localizes to the shmoo tip (m...   2 6   0.2717
  At3g16720     2 11   0
  At5g58580     2 5   0
CWH43 YCR017C Putative sensor/transporter protein involved in cell wall biogenesis; contains 1...   2 48   0.0036
DHH1 YDL160C Cytoplasmic DExD/H-box helicase, stimulates mRNA decapping, coordinates distinct...   2 46   0.0456
MTL1 YGR023W Protein with both structural and functional similarity to Mid2p, which is a plas... acts in concert with Mid2p to transduce cell wall stress signals 2 11   0.0016
AIP1 YMR092C Actin cortical patch component, interacts with the actin depolymerizing factor c... actin cortical patch component 2 12   0.0138
TAT2 YOL020W High affinity tryptophan and tyrosine permease, overexpression confers FK506 res... tryptophan permease, high affinity 2 19   0.1356
ATP4 YPL078C Subunit b of the stator stalk of mitochondrial F1F0 ATP synthase, which is a lar... F(1)F(0)-ATPase complex subunit b 1 5 -2.1033 0.3166
PRE2 YPR103W 20S proteasome beta-type subunit, responsible for the chymotryptic activity of t... proteasome subunit 1 15   0.3529
NPL4 YBR170C Endoplasmic reticulum and nuclear membrane protein, forms a complex with Cdc48p ...   1 26   0.098
UBI4 YLL039C Ubiquitin, becomes conjugated to proteins, marking them for selective degradatio... poly-ubiquitin|ubiquitin 1 25   0.269
SPT5 YML010W Protein that forms a complex with Spt4p and mediates both activation and inhibit... transcription factor 1 33   0.2278
NOT5 YPR072W Subunit of the CCR4-NOT complex, which is a global transcriptional regulator wit... NOT complex member, a global negative regulator of transcription 1 27   0.0009
  ETG672     1 19   0
CDC36 YDL165W Component of the CCR4-NOT complex, which has multiple roles in regulating mRNA l... transcriptional regulator 1 14   0.0131
IGO1 YNL157W Hypothetical protein   1 4   0
DCP1 YOL149W Subunit of the Dcp1p-Dcp2p decapping enzyme complex, which removes the 5- cap st...   1 21   0.2955
DID2 YKR035W-A Class E protein of the vacuolar protein-sorting (Vps) pathway, associates revers... class E vacuolar-protein sorting and endocytosis factor 1 11   0

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