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SONAR Targetspace for BENFLUOREX HYDROCHLORIDEZ-score WebGraph NB WebGraph
Targetspace hs 123 216
Targetspace hs pval0.0351239669421490.037267080745342
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Dynamic Data Scan For Putative Targets (genetic,physical,all)
Prediction Returned Rows:39
Sym Orf Description Function No All Z_score hyperg
TRS20 YBR254C One of 10 subunits of the transport protein particle (TRAPP) complex of the cis-...   4 119   0
PFA4 YOL003C Palmitoyltransferase with autoacylation activity; member of a family of putative... palmitoyltransferase 3 38   0.1323
RPS29B YDL061C Protein component of the small (40S) ribosomal subunit; nearly identical to Rps2... ribosomal protein S29B (S36B) (YS29) 3 43   0.0193
RPI1 YIL119C Putative transcriptional regulator; overexpression suppresses the heat shock sen... ras inhibitor 3 46   0.2357
TSA2 YDR453C Stress inducible cytoplasmic thioredoxin peroxidase; cooperates with Tsa1p in th...   3 39   0
GSC2 YGR032W Catalytic subunit of 1,3-beta-glucan synthase, has similarity to an alternate ca... 1,3-beta-D-glucan synthase 3 34   0.1016
MSC7 YHR039C Protein of unknown function, green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein loca...   2 53   0.1417
  At5g58580     2 5   0
  YJL068C     2 80   0
ARO3 YDR035W 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate-7-phosphate (DAHP) synthase, catalyzes the first... 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate (DAHP) synthase isoenzyme 2 12   0
SSF2 YDR312W Protein required for ribosomal large subunit maturation, functionally redundant ...   2 51   0
CIS1 YDR022C Protein of unknown function that may be involved in microtubule organization; hi...   2 29   0
  YPL077C     2 26   0.2514
  At3g16720     2 11   0
PRB1 YEL060C Vacuolar proteinase B (yscB), a serine protease of the subtilisin family; involv... vacuolar protease B 2 65   0.0374
PIN2 YOR104W Protein that induces appearance of [PIN+] prion when overproduced   2 17   0
SUR7 YML052W Integral membrane protein localized to eisosomes, large immobile protein structu... integral membrane protein 2 35   0.0228
ACF2 YLR144C Intracellular beta-1,3-endoglucanase, expression is induced during sporulation; ...   2 29   0
SNO4 YMR322C Possible chaperone and cysteine protease with similarity to E. coli Hsp31 and S....   2 57   0
CWH43 YCR017C Putative sensor/transporter protein involved in cell wall biogenesis; contains 1...   2 77   0.0036
YBP2 YGL060W Protein with a role in resistance to oxidative stress; has similarity to Ybp1p, ...   2 58   0.2417
PHO84 YML123C High-affinity inorganic phosphate (Pi) transporter and low-affinity manganese tr... inorganic phosphate transporter 2 72   0
FKS3 YMR306W Protein of unknown function, has similarity to 1,3-beta-D-glucan synthase cataly...   2 11   0.0054
SGT1 YOR057W Probable cochaperone, regulates activity of Cyr1p (adenylyl cyclase); involved i...   2 32   0
CUE3 YGL110C Protein of unknown function; has a CUE domain that binds ubiquitin, which may fa...   2 30   0.079
CRH1 YGR189C Putative glycosidase of the cell wall, may have a role in cell wall architecture cell wall protein 2 8   0.0002
DPH5 YLR172C Methyltransferase required for synthesis of diphthamide, which is a modified his...   2 102   0
PXL1 YKR090W LIM domain-containing protein that localizes to sites of polarized growth, requi...   2 16   0.1236
TAT2 YOL020W High affinity tryptophan and tyrosine permease, overexpression confers FK506 res... tryptophan permease, high affinity 2 35   0.1356
CDC39 YCR093W Component of the CCR4-NOT complex, which has multiple roles in regulating mRNA l... transcriptional regulator 2 78   0.0018
PTR3 YFR029W Component of the SPS plasma membrane amino acid sensor system (Ssy1p-Ptr3p-Ssy5p...   2 72   0.0349
DHH1 YDL160C Cytoplasmic DExD/H-box helicase, stimulates mRNA decapping, coordinates distinct...   2 106   0.0456
  YOR228C     2 85   0
PIR1 YKL164C O-glycosylated protein required for cell wall stability; attached to the cell wa...   2 36   0.0018
  YLR312C     2 43   0.0349
RPS22B YLR367W Protein component of the small (40S) ribosomal subunit; nearly identical to Rps2... ribosomal protein S22B (S24B) (rp50) (YS22) 2 85   0.0014
MTL1 YGR023W Protein with both structural and functional similarity to Mid2p, which is a plas... acts in concert with Mid2p to transduce cell wall stress signals 2 30   0.0016
IZH3 YLR023C Membrane protein involved in zinc metabolism, member of the four-protein IZH fam...   1 38   0
  ETG9337     1 12   0

Service provided by the Mike Tyers Laboratory