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SONAR Targetspace for PENTAMIDINE ISETHIONATEZ-score WebGraph NB WebGraph
Targetspace hs 139 182
Targetspace hs pval0.136054421768710.041580041580042
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Dynamic Data Scan For Putative Targets (genetic,physical,all)
Prediction Returned Rows:37
Sym Orf Description Function No All Z_score hyperg
SEC16 YPL085W COPII vesicle coat protein required for ER transport vesicle budding and autopha... vesicle coat component 8 14   0
SEC12 YNR026C Guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF); glycosylated integral membrane protein... guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Sar1p 8 27   0
SEC13 YLR208W Component of both the Nup84 nuclear pore sub-complex and of the COPII complex (S... nuclear pore complex subunit|protein involved in release of transport vesicles from the ER 8 25   0
SWD1 YAR003W Subunit of the COMPASS (Set1C) complex, which methylates histone H3 on lysine 4 ... compass (complex proteins associated with Set1p) component 7 69   0.047
QRI8 YMR022W Ubiquitin conjugating enzyme, involved in the ER-associated protein degradation ... ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme 6 69   0.1014
HEM1 YDR232W 5-aminolevulinate synthase, catalyzes the first step in the heme biosynthetic pa... 5-aminolevulinate synthase 5 10   0
DOA1 YKL213C WD repeat protein required for ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation, forms com... regulatory component of the proteasome pathway 5 76   0
KAR2 YJL034W ATPase involved in protein import into the ER, also acts as a chaperone to media... HSP70 family|mammalian BiP (GRP78 or HSPA5) homolog 4 20   0
CCS1 YMR038C Copper chaperone for superoxide dismutase Sod1p, involved in oxidative stress pr... copper chaperone 4 129   0
SEC6 YIL068C Essential 88kDa subunit of the exocyst complex (Sec3p, Sec5p, Sec6p, Sec8p, Sec1... exocyst complex component 4 43   0.1797
SIL1 YOL031C Nucleotide exchange factor for the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) lumenal Hsp70 chap... Nucleotide exchange factor 4 52   0
COS8 YHL048W Nuclear membrane protein, member of the DUP380 subfamily of conserved, often sub...   4 4   0
UFE1 YOR075W t-SNARE required for ER membrane fusion and vesicular traffic, integral membrane... t-SNARE (ER) 4 18   0.0007
ERD2 YBL040C Integral membrane protein that binds to the HDEL motif in proteins destined for ... HDEL receptor 4 8   0.0067
SEC17 YBL050W Peripheral membrane protein required for vesicular transport between ER and Golg...   4 11   0
MKC7 YDR144C GPI-anchored aspartyl protease (yapsin) involved in protein processing; shares f... aspartyl protease|related to Yap3p|yapsin 2 4 12   0
ERV29 YGR284C Protein localized to COPII-coated vesicles, involved in vesicle formation and in... ER-Golgi transport vesicle protein 4 24   0.0185
CWH41 YGL027C Processing alpha glucosidase I, ER type II integral membrane N-glycoprotein invo... glucosidase I 4 62   0.0026
  YKL206C     4 3   0
DER1 YBR201W Endoplasmic reticulum membrane protein, required for ER-associated protein degra...   4 20   0.1431
SEC31 YDL195W Essential phosphoprotein component (p150) of the COPII coat of secretory pathway... COPII coat of secretory pathway vesicles component (p150) 4 9   0
SEC24 YIL109C Component of the Sec23p-Sec24p heterodimeric complex of the COPII vesicle coat; ... vesicle coat component 4 11   0.1347
CHL1 YPL008W Conserved nuclear protein required to establish sister-chromatid pairing during ... deah box protein|kinetochore protein 4 75   0
SAR1 YPL218W GTPase, GTP-binding protein of the ARF family, component of COPII coat of vesicl... ARF family|GTP-binding protein 4 14   0
SEC23 YPR181C GTPase-activating protein; component of the Sec23p-Sec24p heterodimeric complex ... GTPase activating protein (GAP) 4 30   0.0007
  YBR138C     4 1   0
CTF3 YLR381W Outer kinetochore protein that forms a complex with Mcm16p and Mcm22p; may bind ...   3 42   0.0054
WSS1 YHR134W Sumoylated protein of unknown function, identified based on genetic interactions...   3 28   0.0002
PHO80 YOL001W Cyclin, negatively regulates phosphate metabolism; Pho80p-Pho85p (cyclin-CDK com... Pho80p cyclin 3 145   0.185
STU1 YBL034C Component of the mitotic spindle that binds to interpolar microtubules via its a...   3 58   0.1848
RPL1B YGL135W N-terminally acetylated protein component of the large (60S) ribosomal subunit, ... ribosomal protein L1B 3 30   0
DNL4 YOR005C DNA ligase required for nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ), forms stable heterodim... ATP dependent DNA ligase 3 15   0.0081
RAD23 YEL037C Protein with ubiquitin-like N terminus, recognizes and binds damaged DNA (with R... ubiquitin-like protein 3 50 -2.8171 0.0475
HTB1 YDR224C One of two nearly identical (see HTB2) histone H2B subtypes required for chromat... histone H2B (HTB1 and HTB2 code for nearly identical proteins) 3 28   0.0834
PHO23 YNL097C Probable component of the Rpd3 histone deacetylase complex, involved in transcri...   3 117   0.0378
CTI6 YPL181W Protein that relieves transcriptional repression by binding to the Cyc8p-Tup1p c...   3 26   0.0003
CSE2 YNR010W Component of the Med9/10 module, which is a subcomplex within the RNA polymerase... RNA polymerase II mediator subcomplex component 3 42   0.0002

Service provided by the Mike Tyers Laboratory