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SONAR Targetspace for MEGESTROL ACETATEZ-score WebGraph NB WebGraph
Targetspace hs 118 90
Targetspace hs pval0.0938864628820960.23703703703704
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Dynamic Data Scan For Putative Targets (genetic,physical,all)
Prediction Returned Rows:38
Sym Orf Description Function No All Z_score hyperg
SWF1 YDR126W Palmitoyltransferase that acts on the SNAREs Snc1p, Syn8p, Tlg1p and likely on a...   8 48   0
UBP3 YER151C Ubiquitin-specific protease that interacts with Bre5p to co-regulate anterograde... ubiquitin-specific protease 7 99   0
BNI4 YNL233W Targeting subunit for Glc7p protein phosphatase, localized to the bud neck, requ... scaffold protein 6 41 -4.2349 0
SNX4 YJL036W Sorting nexin, involved in the retrieval of late-Golgi SNAREs from the post-Golg...   6 12   0.0049
YPT1 YFL038C Ras-like small GTPase, involved in the ER-to-Golgi step of the secretory pathway... GTP-binding protein|ras homolog|similar to mammalian Rab1A protein 6 56   0.0005
MVP1 YMR004W Protein required for sorting proteins to the vacuole; overproduction of Mvp1p su...   6 16   0
ERV14 YGL054C Protein localized to COPII-coated vesicles, involved in vesicle formation and in... 14 kDa protein found on ER-derived vesicles 6 76   0
MNN10 YDR245W Subunit of a Golgi mannosyltransferase complex also containing Anp1p, Mnn9p, Mnn... galactosyltransferase 6 63   NAN
PKR1 YMR123W Protein of unknown function; overproduction confers resistance to Pichia farinos...   6 32   0
RAV1 YJR033C Subunit of the RAVE complex (Rav1p, Rav2p, Skp1p), which promotes assembly of th...   6 30   0.1691
RIM21 YNL294C Protein proposed to be involved in the response to alkaline pH; has similarity t... Unknown function 5 37   0
SEC21 YNL287W Gamma subunit of coatomer, a heptameric protein complex that together with Arf1p... PEST sequence-containing protein|non-clathrin coat protein 5 26   0.0007
GUT2 YIL155C Mitochondrial glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase; expression is repressed by bot... glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 5 10   0
PEP8 YJL053W Vacuolar protein sorting protein that forms part of the multimeric membrane-asso... vacuolar protein similar to mouse gene H<beta>58 5 27   0
CNB1 YKL190W Calcineurin B; the regulatory subunit of calcineurin, a Ca++/calmodulin-regulate... calcineurin regulatory B subunit|type 2B protein phosphatase 5 81 -2.1869 0
VPS17 YOR132W Subunit of the membrane-associated retromer complex essential for endosome-to-Go...   5 21   0.1094
SKY1 YMR216C SR protein kinase (SRPK) involved in regulating proteins involved in mRNA metabo...   4 97   0
COG6 YNL041C Component of the conserved oligomeric Golgi complex (Cog1p through Cog8p), a cyt...   4 57   0
CYK3 YDL117W SH3-domain protein located in the mother-bud neck and the cytokinetic actin ring...   4 34   0.1722
STV1 YMR054W Subunit of vacuolar-ATPase V0 domain, one of two isoforms (Stv1p and Vph1p); Stv... 110 kDa subunit; not in vacuole membrane|vacuolar H-ATPase 4 10   0
RPL16B YNL069C N-terminally acetylated protein component of the large (60S) ribosomal subunit, ... ribosomal protein L16B (L21B) (rp23) (YL15) 4 14   0.2102
GSG1 YDR108W Subunit of TRAPP (transport protein particle), a multi-subunit complex involved ...   4 97   0
  YIL039W     4 65   0
GSC2 YGR032W Catalytic subunit of 1,3-beta-glucan synthase, has similarity to an alternate ca... 1,3-beta-D-glucan synthase 4 9   0.0311
RIM8 YGL045W Protein of unknown function, involved in the proteolytic activation of Rim101p i...   4 24   0.1148
RER1 YCL001W Protein involved in retention of membrane proteins, including Sec12p, in the ER;...   4 73   0.0061
  YMR073C     4 23   0
CMP2 YML057W Calcineurin A; one isoform (the other is CNA1) of the catalytic subunit of calci... calcineurin subunit A 4 11   0.0474
CNA1 YLR433C Calcineurin A; one isoform (the other is CMP2) of the catalytic subunit of calci... calcineurin subunit A 4 12   0.1534
APL2 YKL135C Beta-adaptin, large subunit of the clathrin-associated protein (AP-1) complex; b... beta-adaptin|clathrin associated protein complex large subunit 4 19   0
CHS6 YJL099W Protein of unknown function, involved in chitin biosynthesis by regulating Chs3p...   4 54   0
MAK3 YPR051W Catalytic subunit of N-terminal acetyltransferase of the NatC type; required for... N-acetyltransferase 4 20   0.0043
CHS7 YHR142W Protein of unknown function, involved in chitin biosynthesis by regulating Chs3p...   4 45 -5.9271 0
DFG16 YOR030W Probable multiple transmembrane protein, involved in invasive growth upon nitrog...   4 21   0.0067
IES2 YNL215W Protein that associates with the INO80 chromatin remodeling complex under low-sa...   4 29   0
NHX1 YDR456W Endosomal Na+/H+ exchanger, required for intracellular sequestration of Na+; req... Na+/H+ exchanger 4 61   0.0015
VPS29 YHR012W Endosomal protein that is a subunit of the membrane-associated retromer complex ...   4 52   0.1313
RSN1 YMR266W Membrane protein of unknown function; overexpression suppresses NaCl sensitivity...   4 10   0.0533

Service provided by the Mike Tyers Laboratory