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SONAR Targetspace for FURAZOLIDONEZ-score WebGraph NB WebGraph
Targetspace hs 428 191
Targetspace hs pval0.0020.0060240963855422
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Dynamic Data Scan For Putative Targets (genetic,physical,all)
Prediction Returned Rows:40
Sym Orf Description Function No All Z_score hyperg
PTP2 YOR208W Phosphotyrosine-specific protein phosphatase involved in the inactivation of mit... tyrosine phosphatase 7 28   0
CAC2 YML102W Component of the chromatin assembly complex (with Rlf2p and Msi1p) that assemble... chromatin assembly factor-I (CAF-I) p60 subunit 5 45   0.0374
CDC2 YDL102W Catalytic subunit of DNA polymerase delta; required for chromosomal DNA replicat... DNA polymerase III catalytic (delta) subunit 5 90   0.0504
RLF2 YPR018W Largest subunit (p90) of the Chromatin Assembly Complex (CAF-I) with Cac2p and M... chromatin assembly factor-I (CAF-I) p90 subunit 4 74   0.0011
YKU70 YMR284W Subunit of the telomeric Ku complex (Yku70p-Yku80p), involved in telomere length... DNA binding protein 4 71   0.0741
EXO1 YOR033C 5--3- exonuclease and flap-endonuclease involved in recombination, double-strand... exonuclease 4 63   0.0002
MMS2 YGL087C Protein involved in error-free postreplication DNA repair; forms a heteromeric c...   4 42   0.0007
MAG1 YER142C 3-methyl-adenine DNA glycosylase involved in protecting DNA against alkylating a... 3-methyladenine DNA glycosylase 4 24   0.0059
MUS81 YDR386W Helix-hairpin-helix protein, involved in DNA repair and replication fork stabili...   4 72   0
OGG1 YML060W Mitochondrial glycosylase/lyase that specifically excises 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguani... 43 kDa 8-oxo-guanine DNA glycosylase 3 24   0
NTG1 YAL015C DNA N-glycosylase and apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) lyase involved in base excision... DNA glycosylase 3 23   0.0121
RAD1 YPL022W Single-stranded DNA endonuclease (with Rad10p), cleaves single-stranded DNA duri... UV endonuclease 3 97   0.0027
RFA1 YAR007C Subunit of heterotrimeric Replication Factor A (RF-A), which is a highly conserv... RF-A|heterotrimeric RPA (RF-A) single-stranded DNA binding protein 69 kDa subunit 3 43   0
REV1 YOR346W Deoxycytidyl transferase, forms a complex with the subunits of DNA polymerase ze... deoxycytidyl transferase 3 32   0.0183
STN1 YDR082W Telomere end-binding and capping protein, plays a key role with Pol12p in linkin...   3 19   0.0145
SMC6 YLR383W Protein involved in structural maintenance of chromosomes; essential subunit of ...   3 31   0.0105
RAD30 YDR419W DNA polymerase eta, involved in the predominantly error-free bypass replication ... DNA polymerase eta 3 38   0.0005
RAD3 YER171W 5- to 3- DNA helicase, involved in nucleotide excision repair and transcription;...   3 42   0.0865
MCM10 YIL150C Essential, chromatin-associated protein involved in the initiation of DNA replic...   3 23   0
SLD3 YGL113W Protein involved in the initiation of DNA replication, required for proper assem...   3 11   0
POL30 YBR088C Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), functions as the sliding clamp for DN... Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA) 3 78   0
SDP1 YIL113W Stress-inducible dual-specificity MAP kinase phosphatase, negatively regulates S...   3 1   0
HYS2 YJR006W DNA polymerase III (delta) subunit, essential for cell viability; involved in DN... DNA polymerase delta subunit 3 17   0.0085
PIF1 YML061C DNA helicase involved in telomere formation and elongation; acts as a catalytic ... 5--3- DNA helicase 3 104   0.1356
YEN1 YER041W Protein of unknown function, has similarity to endonuclease Rth1p; potentially p...   3 7   0
EST2 YLR318W Reverse transcriptase subunit of the telomerase holoenzyme, essential for telome... telomerase reverse transcriptase 3 39   0.0632
MID1 YNL291C N-glycosylated integral membrane protein of the ER membrane and plasma membrane,... N-glycosylated integral plasma membrane protein 3 28   0.2083
MGS1 YNL218W Protein with DNA-dependent ATPase and ssDNA annealing activities involved in mai...   3 36   0.0315
REV3 YPL167C Subunit of DNA polymerase zeta, which is involved in DNA repair; required for mu... DNA polymerase zeta subunit 3 73   0.0198
TRM2 YKR056W tRNA methyltransferase, 5-methylates the uridine residue at position 54 of tRNAs... tRNA methyltransferase 2 6   0.1154
MTQ2 YDR140W S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferase of the seven beta-strand family...   2 9   0.2491
EST1 YLR233C TLC1 RNA-associated factor involved in telomere length regulation as the recruit... Telomere elongation protein 2 30   0.1321
CDC9 YDL164C DNA ligase found in the nucleus and mitochondria, an essential enzyme that joins... DNA ligase 2 12   0.2806
  YDL157C     2 2   0
GTB1 YDR221W Glucosidase II beta subunit, forms a complex with alpha subunit Rot2p, involved ...   2 6   0.0002
SLY1 YDR189W Hydrophilic protein involved in vesicle trafficking between the ER and Golgi; SM... t-SNARE-interacting protein that functions in ER-to-Golgi traffic 2 38   0.1084
NTG2 YOL043C DNA N-glycosylase and apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) lyase involved in base excision... endonuclease III DNA base excision repair N-glycosylase 2 23   0.0003
FMP38 YOR205C The authentic, non-tagged protein was localized to the mitochondria   2 10   0.2719
ULP1 YPL020C Ubl (ubiquitin-like protein)-specific protease that cleaves Smt3p protein conjug... Smt3-specific protease 2 31   0.1789
MPH1 YIR002C Member of the DEAH family of helicases, functions in an error-free DNA damage by...   2 44   0.0575

Service provided by the Mike Tyers Laboratory