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Dynamic Data Scan For Putative Targets (genetic,physical,all)
Prediction Returned Rows:39
Sym Orf Description Function No All Z_score hyperg
RPL2A YFR031C-A Protein component of the large (60S) ribosomal subunit, identical to Rpl2Bp and ... ribosomal protein L2A (L5A) (rp8) (YL6) 2 126   0
SDA1 YGR245C Highly conserved nuclear protein required for actin cytoskeleton organization an...   2 56   0.0073
MPE1 YKL059C Essential conserved subunit of CPF (cleavage and polyadenylation factor), plays ...   2 36   0
SWD2 YKL018W Subunit of the COMPASS (Set1C) complex, which methylates histone H3 on lys 4 and... compass (complex proteins associated with Set1p) component 2 62   0.0423
SSU72 YNL222W Transcription/RNA-processing factor that associates with TFIIB and cleavage/poly...   2 40   0.0001
RAD59 YDL059C Protein involved in the repair of double-strand breaks in DNA during vegetative ... the RAD59 gene product has homology to the Rad52 protein 2 34   0.2262
LSG1 YGL099W Putative GTPase involved in 60S ribosomal subunit biogenesis; required for the r...   2 60   0
YTH1 YPR107C Essential RNA-binding component of cleavage and polyadenylation factor, contains... polyadenylation factor subunit 2 32   0
SYC1 YOR179C Subunit of the APT subcomplex of cleavage and polyadenylation factor, may have a...   2 14   0.1254
PTI1 YGR156W Pta1p Interacting protein   2 35   0.2839
RIX1 YHR197W Essential protein involved in the processing of the ITS2 region of the rRNA locu...   2 101   0
RFA3 YJL173C Subunit of heterotrimeric Replication Factor A (RF-A), which is a highly conserv... replication factor-A subunit 3 2 37   0
NOG2 YNR053C Putative GTPase that associates with pre-60S ribosomal subunits in the nucleolus... part of a pre-60S complex 2 76   0
RIM1 YCR028C-A Single-stranded DNA-binding protein essential for mitochondrial genome maintenan... DNA binding protein 2 31   0
RLP24 YLR009W Ribosomal Like Protein 24 part of a pre-60S complex 2 63   0
RFA2 YNL312W Subunit of heterotrimeric Replication Factor A (RF-A), which is a highly conserv... 29% identical to the human p34 subunit of RF-A|replication factor RF-A subunit 2 2 37   0.1092
PTA1 YAL043C Subunit of holo-CPF, a multiprotein complex and functional homolog of mammalian ... cleavage factor II (CF II) component|polyadenylation factor I (PF I) 2 60   0.0203
YVH1 YIR026C Protein phosphatase involved in vegetative growth at low temperatures, sporulati... protein tyrosine phosphatase induced by nitrogen starvation 2 25   0.0844
ALB1 YJL122W Hypothetical protein   2 36   0.0029
PFS2 YNL317W Integral subunit of the pre-mRNA cleavage and polyadenylation factor (CPF) compl... polyadenylation factor I (PF I) 2 43   0
RPA49 YNL248C RNA polymerase I subunit A49 RNA polymerase A 49 kDa alpha subunit 2 47 -11.1435 0.2789
GGA1 YDR358W Golgi-localized protein with homology to gamma-adaptin, interacts with and regul... ARF-binding protein 2 6   0.0008
NOP58 YOR310C Protein involved in pre-rRNA processing, 18S rRNA synthesis, and snoRNA synthesi... U3 snoRNP protein 2 127   0.0001
NSA2 YER126C Constituent of 66S pre-ribosomal particles, involved in 60S ribosomal subunit bi... ribosome biogenesis 2 52   0
GGA2 YHR108W Golgi-localized protein with homology to gamma-adaptin, interacts with and regul... ARF-binding protein 2 24   0.0005
GCS1 YDL226C ADP-ribosylation factor GTPase activating protein (ARF GAP), involved in ER-Golg... ADP-ribosylation factor GTPase-activating protein (ARF GAP) 2 21   0
RPB5 YBR154C RNA polymerase subunit ABC27, common to RNA polymerases I, II, and III; contacts... 25 kDa RNA polymerase subunit (common to polymerases I, II and III) 2 89   0
RSA4 YCR072C WD-repeat protein involved in ribosome biogenesis; required for maturation and e...   2 41   0
RPL31A YDL075W Protein component of the large (60S) ribosomal subunit, nearly identical to Rpl3... ribosomal protein L31A (L34A) (YL28) 2 87   0
NUG1 YER006W GTPase that associates with nuclear 60S pre-ribosomes, required for export of 60... Nuclear GTPase involved in Ribosome biogenesis 2 126   0
REI1 YBR267W Protein of unknown function involved in bud growth in the mitotic signaling netw...   2 26   0.1154
NOP9 YJL010C Essential nucleolar protein required for 18S rRNA synthesis   1 56   0
NIP7 YPL211W Nucleolar protein required for 60S ribosome subunit biogenesis, constituent of 6...   1 78   0
AFG2 YLR397C ATPase of the CDC48/PAS1/SEC18 (AAA) family, forms a hexameric complex; may be i... similar to the CDC48 gene product 1 9   0
RPL20B YOR312C Protein component of the large (60S) ribosomal subunit, nearly identical to Rpl2... ribosomal protein L20B (L18B) 1 75   0.2934
RUD3 YOR216C Golgi matrix protein involved in the structural organization of the cis-Golgi; i...   1 11   0
MGT1 YDL200C DNA repair methyltransferase (6-O-methylguanine-DNA methylase) involved in prote... 6-O-methylguanine-DNA methylase 1 20   0
SYT1 YPR095C Guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for Arf proteins; involved in vesicular...   1 6   0
IES3 YLR052W Subunit of the INO80 chromatin remodeling complex   1 35   0.3804

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