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SONAR Targetspace for ISOPIMPINELLINZ-score WebGraph NB WebGraph
Targetspace hs 0 317
Targetspace hs pval10.084415584415584
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Dynamic Data Scan For Putative Targets (genetic,physical,all)
Prediction Returned Rows:27
Sym Orf Description Function No⇓ All Z_score hyperg
PSK2 YOL045W One of two (see also PSK1) PAS domain containing S/T protein kinases; regulates ... PAS kinase 2 17   0.0959
ROM1 YGR070W GDP/GTP exchange protein (GEP) for Rho1p; mutations are synthetically lethal wit...   2 11   0.018
RPA135 YPR010C RNA polymerase I subunit A135 RNA polymerase I subunit 2 6   0.0831
RRN3 YKL125W Protein required for transcription of rDNA by RNA polymerase I; transcription fa... DNA independent RNA polymerase I transcription factor 2 6   0.0831
  ETG64425     1 1   0
  YNL247W     1 2   0.0533
BIG1 YHR101C Integral membrane protein of the endoplasmic reticulum, required for normal cont...   1 4   0.3242
CDC24 YAL041W Guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF or GDP-release factor) for Cdc42p; requi... guanine nucleotide exchange factor (a.k.a. GDP-release factor) for cdc42 1 37   0.2106
CWC25 YNL245C Component of a complex containing Cef1p, involved in pre-mRNA splicing; has simi...   1 3   0.0533
DED81 YHR019C Cytosolic asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase, required for protein synthesis, catalyzes... asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase 1 2   0.0533
DPB11 YJL090C Essential BRCT repeat protein, required on the prereplicative complex at replica... DNA polymerase II complex 1 38   0.3797
ENO2 YHR174W Enolase II, a phosphopyruvate hydratase that catalyzes the conversion of 2-phosp... enolase 1 7   0.0533
FIR1 YER032W Protein involved in 3- mRNA processing, interacts with Ref2p; potential Cdc28p s... participant in 3- mRNA processing (putative) 1 3   0.3333
NUF2 YOL069W Component of the evolutionarily conserved kinetochore-associated Ndc80 complex (...   1 5   0.0533
OST2 YOR103C Epsilon subunit of the oligosaccharyltransferase complex of the ER lumen, which ... 40% identical to vertebrate DAD1 protein|oligosaccharyltransferase complex 16 kDa epsilon subunit 1 4   0.3038
PDR3 YBL005W Transcriptional activator of the pleiotropic drug resistance network, regulates ...   1 15   0
PGS1 YCL004W Phosphatidylglycerolphosphate synthase, catalyzes the synthesis of phosphatidylg... 17 kDa phosphatidylglycerolphosphate synthase 1 29   0
PSK1 YAL017W One of two (see also PSK2) PAS domain containing S/T protein kinases; coordinate...   1 14   0.3333
RPA43 YOR340C RNA polymerase I subunit A43 DNA dependent RNA polymerase I subunit A43 1 4   0.239
RRN11 YML043C Protein required for rDNA transcription by RNA polymerase I, component of the co... rDNA transcription factor component 1 4   0.0533
RRP17 YDR412W Protein required for cell viability   1 1   0.0533
SPC19 YDR201W Essential subunit of the DASH microtubule ring complex, couples kinetochores to ... spindle pole component 1 1   0.0533
SWD2 YKL018W Subunit of the COMPASS (Set1C) complex, which methylates histone H3 on lys 4 and... compass (complex proteins associated with Set1p) component 1 2   0.2521
TPK1 YJL164C Subunit of cytoplasmic cAMP-dependent protein kinase, which contains redundant c... cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (putative) 1 34 -4.2278 0.1498
UBC1 YDR177W Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme that mediates selective degradation of short-lived ... ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme 1 7   0.0533
YMR1 YJR110W Phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate [PI(3)P] phosphatase, regulates the localizatio...   1 20   0
ZEO1 YOL109W Peripheral membrane protein of the plasma membrane that interacts with Mid2p; re...   1 4   0.1052

Service provided by the Mike Tyers Laboratory