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SONAR Targetspace for Z-score NB
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Dynamic Data Scan For Putative Targets (genetic,physical,all)
Prediction Returned Rows:24
Sym Orf Description Function No All Z_score hyperg
SMI1 YGR229C Protein involved in the regulation of cell wall synthesis; proposed to be involv... 57 kDa nuclear protein 17 145 -15.1706 NAN
KRE1 YNL322C Cell wall glycoprotein involved in beta-glucan assembly; serves as a K1 killer t...   11 119 -7.7401 0
KAR3 YPR141C Minus-end-directed microtubule motor that functions in mitosis and meiosis, loca... kinesin-like nuclear fusion protein 8 150 -2.8103 0
CCS1 YMR038C Copper chaperone for superoxide dismutase Sod1p, involved in oxidative stress pr... copper chaperone 8 129   NAN
ASE1 YOR058C Member of a family of microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) that function at th... spindle midzone component 8 65   0
GAS1 YMR307W Beta-1.3-glucanosyltransferase, required for cell wall assembly; localizes to th... cell surface glycoprotein 115-120 kDa 7 111 -6.0022 0
ERV14 YGL054C Protein localized to COPII-coated vesicles, involved in vesicle formation and in... 14 kDa protein found on ER-derived vesicles 7 76   NAN
HLJ1 YMR161W Co-chaperone for Hsp40p, anchored in the ER membrane; with its homolog Hdj1p pro...   6 102   0
PIK1 YNL267W Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase; catalyzes first step in the biosynthesis of phosp... phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase 6 108   0
TLG2 YOL018C Syntaxin-like t-SNARE that forms a complex with Tlg1p and Vti1p and mediates fus... tSNARE that affects a late Golgi compartment 6 128   0
GYP1 YOR070C Cis-golgi GTPase-activating protein (GAP) for the Rab family members Ypt1p (in v... GTPase activating protein (GAP) 6 67 -10.0175 0
PAC1 YOR269W Protein involved in nuclear migration, part of the dynein/dynactin pathway; targ...   6 32   0.1723
OPI3 YJR073C Phospholipid methyltransferase (methylene-fatty-acyl-phospholipid synthase), cat... unsaturated phospholipid N-methyltransferase 6 126   0
FKS1 YLR342W Catalytic subunit of 1,3-beta-D-glucan synthase, functionally redundant with alt... 1,3-beta-D-glucan synthase 6 126 -7.7146 0
VPS51 YKR020W Component of the GARP (Golgi-associated retrograde protein) complex, Vps51p-Vps5... function unknown 6 110   0.1003
SYS1 YJL004C Integral membrane protein of the Golgi required for targeting of the Arf-like GT...   6 41   0
KAR9 YPL269W Karyogamy protein required for correct positioning of the mitotic spindle and fo...   5 82   0
CSM1 YCR086W Nucleolar protein that forms a complex with Lrs4p which binds Mam1p at kinetocho...   5 123   0.0005
NUM1 YDR150W Protein required for nuclear migration, localizes to the mother cell cortex and ...   5 67 -6.0589 0.0087
DYN1 YKR054C Cytoplasmic heavy chain dynein, microtubule motor protein, required for anaphase... heavy chain of cytoplasmic dynein 5 62   0.1521
RAV1 YJR033C Subunit of the RAVE complex (Rav1p, Rav2p, Skp1p), which promotes assembly of th...   5 30   0.1876
BUB2 YMR055C Mitotic exit network regulator, forms GTPase-activating Bfa1p-Bub2p complex that...   5 89   0.005
GTR1 YML121W Cytoplasmic GTP binding protein and negative regulator of the Ran/Tc4 GTPase cyc... small GTPase (putative) 5 57   0.0011
MDM20 YOL076W Non-catalytic subunit of the NatB N-terminal acetyltransferase, which catalyzes ...   5 34   0.1054

Service provided by the Mike Tyers Laboratory