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Dynamic Data Scan For Putative Targets (genetic,physical,all)
Prediction Returned Rows:39
Sym Orf Description Function No All Z_score hyperg
SMI1 YGR229C Protein involved in the regulation of cell wall synthesis; proposed to be involv... 57 kDa nuclear protein 11 25 -18.4600 NAN
SMK1 YPR054W Middle sporulation-specific mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) required for... MAP kinase 10 21   0
RLM1 YPL089C MADS-box transcription factor, component of the protein kinase C-mediated MAP ki...   10 15   0.0832
MSG5 YNL053W Dual-specificity protein phosphatase required for maintenance of a low level of ... protein tyrosine phosphatase 10 16   0
ROM2 YLR371W GDP/GTP exchange protein (GEP) for Rho1p and Rho2p; mutations are synthetically ...   10 26 -31.4996 0.14
STE12 YHR084W Transcription factor that is activated by a MAP kinase signaling cascade, activa... transcription factor 10 39   0
MKK1 YOR231W Mitogen-activated kinase kinase involved in protein kinase C signaling pathway t... MAP kinase kinase (MEK) 10 38 -1.9218 0.1393
MKK2 YPL140C Mitogen-activated kinase kinase involved in protein kinase C signaling pathway t... protein kinase 10 33   0
SWI4 YER111C DNA binding component of the SBF complex (Swi4p-Swi6p), a transcriptional activa... transcription factor 9 24 -0.2701 0
PAF1 YBR279W RNA polymerase II-associated protein, defines a large complex that is biochemica...   8 51 -17.2891 0
  YPL077C     7 22   0.0005
BCK1 YJL095W Mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase kinase kinase acting in the protein kinas... MEKK 7 143 -12.1989 0
IPP1 YBR011C Cytoplasmic inorganic pyrophosphatase (PPase), catalyzes the rapid exchange of o... inorganic pyrophosphatase 7 41   0
MOT1 YPL082C Essential abundant protein involved in regulation of transcription, removes Spt1... helicase (putative) 7 133   0.1064
SWI6 YLR182W Transcription cofactor, forms complexes with DNA-binding proteins Swi4p and Mbp1... transcription factor 7 36   0.1542
PMA1 YGL008C Plasma membrane H+-ATPase, pumps protons out of the cell; major regulator of cyt... plasma membrane H+-ATPase 6 50   0.0157
CPR6 YLR216C Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (cyclophilin), catalyzes the cis-trans isome... cyclophilin 40|peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (PPIase) 6 38   0.0012
FOL2 YGR267C GTP-cyclohydrolase I, catalyzes the first step in the folic acid biosynthetic pa... GTP-cyclohydrolase I 6 25   0
MKT1 YNL085W Protein that forms a complex with Pbp1p that may mediate posttranscriptional reg... retroviral protease signature protein 6 36   0.0313
SIR3 YLR442C Silencing protein that interacts with Sir2p and Sir4p, and histone H3 and H4 tai... silencing regulator at HML, HMR, and telomeres 6 56   0.1442
USE1 YGL098W Essential SNARE protein localized to the ER, involved in retrograde traffic from...   6 19   0
PTP3 YER075C Phosphotyrosine-specific protein phosphatase involved in the inactivation of mit... tyrosine phosphatase 6 8   0
GAL7 YBR018C Galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase, synthesizes glucose-1-phosphate and UD... galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase 6 9   0
PRE3 YJL001W 20S proteasome beta-type subunit, responsible for cleavage after acidic residues... 20S proteasome subunit 6 39   0
CTR9 YOL145C Component of the Paf1p complex, which is a large complex that binds to and modul...   5 49   0.1862
GCN3 YKR026C Alpha subunit of the translation initiation factor eIF2B, the guanine-nucleotide... eIF2B 34 kDa alpha subunit 5 52 -2.7182 0
CDC73 YLR418C Constituent of Paf1 complex with RNA polymerase II, Paf1p, Hpr1p, Ctr9, Leo1, Rt...   5 61 -21.6729 0
RTF1 YGL244W Subunit of the RNA polymerase II-associated Paf1 complex; directly or indirectly... nuclear protein 5 36   0.0954
DIA2 YOR080W Origin-binding F-box protein that forms an SCF ubiquitin ligase complex with Skp...   5 47 0.2881 0.0042
PTP2 YOR208W Phosphotyrosine-specific protein phosphatase involved in the inactivation of mit... tyrosine phosphatase 5 13   0.0001
ARP2 YDL029W Essential component of the Arp2/3 complex, which is a highly conserved actin nuc... actin related protein 5 74   0
TOR2 YKL203C PIK-related protein kinase and rapamycin target; subunit of TORC1, a complex tha...   5 89   0.0069
PRS3 YHL011C 5-phospho-ribosyl-1(alpha)-pyrophosphate synthetase, involved in nucleotide, his... ribose-phosphate pyrophosphokinase 5 20   0
PRS4 YBL068W 5-phospho-ribosyl-1(alpha)-pyrophosphate synthetase, involved in nucleotide, his... ribose-phosphate pyrophosphokinase 5 6   0
MSF1 YPR047W Mitochondrial phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase alpha subunit, active as a monomer, u... phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase alpha subunit 5 6   0
LHS1 YKL073W Molecular chaperone of the endoplasmic reticulum lumen, involved in polypeptide ... Hsp70 family 5 16   0.1056
SKG3 YLR187W Protein of unknown function; green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein loca...   5 16   0
RPA34 YJL148W RNA polymerase I subunit A34.5   5 41   0
MPM1 YJL066C Mitochondrial membrane protein of unknown function, contains no hydrophobic stre...   5 11   0

Service provided by the Mike Tyers Laboratory