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SONAR Targetspace for ROBUSTIC ACIDZ-score WebGraph NB WebGraph
Targetspace hs 431 312
Targetspace hs pval0.294573643410850.94186046511628
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Dynamic Data Scan For Putative Targets (genetic,physical,all)
Prediction Returned Rows:32
Sym Orf Description Function No All Z_score hyperg
RIM11 YMR139W Protein kinase required for signal transduction during entry into meiosis; promo...   2 10   0.0844
TOK1 YJL093C Outward-rectifier potassium channel of the plasma membrane with two pore domains... outward-rectifier potassium channel 2 7   0.2053
TRK2 YKR050W Component of the Trk1p-Trk2p potassium transport system low affinity potassium transport|membrane protein 2 21   0.0208
SAM1 YLR180W S-adenosylmethionine synthetase, catalyzes transfer of the adenosyl group of ATP...   2 11   0.2114
BUL2 YML111W Component of the Rsp5p E3-ubiquitin ligase complex, involved in intracellular am...   1 6   0.037
YVH1 YIR026C Protein phosphatase involved in vegetative growth at low temperatures, sporulati... protein tyrosine phosphatase induced by nitrogen starvation 1 14   0.033
CBF5 YLR175W Component of box H/ACA small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein particles (snoRNPs), pr... major low affinity 55 kDa centromere/microtubule binding protein 1 5   0.3572
BUL1 YMR275C Ubiquitin-binding component of the Rsp5p E3-ubiquitin ligase complex, functional...   1 25   0.0012
ORC6 YHR118C Subunit of the origin recognition complex, which directs DNA replication by bind... ORC 50 kDa subunit 1 34   0.0025
CBF2 YGR140W Essential kinetochore protein, component of the CBF3 multisubunit complex that b... centromere binding factor CBF3 110 kDa subunit 1 47   0.1158
PIH1 YHR034C Protein of unresolved function; may function in protein folding and/or rRNA proc...   1 14   0.3152
PGM1 YKL127W Phosphoglucomutase, minor isoform; catalyzes the conversion from glucose-1-phosp... phosphoglucomutase minor isoform 1 11   0.073
ROG1 YGL144C Protein with putative serine active lipase domain   1 6   0.0205
RIM9 YMR063W Protein of unknown function, involved in the proteolytic activation of Rim101p i...   1 14   0.033
NAT5 YOR253W Subunit of the N-terminal acetyltransferase NatA (Nat1p, Ard1p, Nat5p); N-termin... N-acetyltransferase 1 4   0
YGK3 YOL128C Protein kinase related to mammalian glycogen synthase kinases of the GSK-3 famil... protein kinase 1 5   0.0002
MRK1 YDL079C Glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK-3) homolog; one of four GSK-3 homologs in S. cer... MDS1 related protein kinase 1 6   0.0294
RVB2 YPL235W Essential protein involved in transcription regulation; component of chromatin r... transcriptional regulator 1 20   0.0006
PMD1 YER132C Protein with an N-terminal kelch-like domain, putative negative regulator of ear...   1 3   0.0205
PTK1 YKL198C Putative serine/threonine protein kinase that regulates spermine uptake; involve...   1 3   0.1351
GAL2 YLR081W Galactose permease, required for utilization of galactose; also able to transpor... galactose permease 1 9   0.1351
HAL1 YPR005C Cytoplasmic protein involved in halotolerance; decreases intracellular Na+ (via ... polar 32 kDa cytoplasmic protein 1 6   0.3063
KHA1 YJL094C Putative K+/H+ antiporter   1 11   0.1351
CKB1 YGL019W Beta regulatory subunit of casein kinase 2, a Ser/Thr protein kinase with roles ... protein kinase CK2 beta subunit 1 28   0.3415
PTK2 YJR059W Putative serine/threonine protein kinase involved in regulation of ion transport...   1 23   0.2548
HXT1 YHR094C Low-affinity glucose transporter of the major facilitator superfamily, expressio... hexose transporter 1 15 -3.2228 0.1351
ABD1 YBR236C Methyltransferase, catalyzes the transfer of a methyl group from S-adenosylmethi... RNA (guanine-7-)methyltransferase (cap methyltransferase) 1 8   0.0995
  ETG3064     1 46   0
EMG1 YLR186W Protein required for the maturation of the 18S rRNA and for 40S ribosome product... ribosome biogenesis 1 2   0.0995
MET4 YNL103W Lecine-zipper transcriptional activator, responsible for the regulation of the s... leucine zipper family|transcriptional activator 1 12   0.0995
HXT3 YDR345C Low affinity glucose transporter of the major facilitator superfamily, expressio... low affinity glucose transporter 1 11   0.0533
BAP2 YBR068C High-affinity leucine permease, functions as a branched-chain amino acid permeas...   1 6   0.1351

Service provided by the Mike Tyers Laboratory