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Dynamic Data Scan For Putative Targets (genetic,physical,all)
Prediction Returned Rows:38
Sym Orf Description Function No All Z_score hyperg
APM3 YBR288C Mu3-like subunit of the clathrin associated protein complex (AP-3); functions in... clathrin associated protein complex medium subunit 5 147   0
DPB4 YDR121W Shared subunit of DNA polymerase epsilon and of ISW2/yCHRAC chromatin accessibil... DNA polymerase II (epsilon) 4th subunit 4 124   0
CMP2 YML057W Calcineurin A; one isoform (the other is CNA1) of the catalytic subunit of calci... calcineurin subunit A 4 46   0.0474
URA5 YML106W One of two orotate phosphoribosyltransferase isozymes (see also URA10) that cata... orotate phosphoribosyltransferase 1 3 56   0.1114
TIF3 YPR163C Translation initiation factor eIF-4B, has RNA annealing activity; contains an RN... translation initiation factor eIF-4B 3 35 -1.2263 0
SDS22 YKL193C Conserved nuclear regulatory subunit of Glc7p type 1 protein serine-threonine ph... Glc7p regulatory subunit 3 95   0
GRE3 YHR104W Aldose reductase involved in methylglyoxal, d-xylose and arabinose metabolism; s... aldose reductase 3 130   0.0002
COG4 YPR105C Essential component of the conserved oligomeric Golgi complex (Cog1p through Cog...   3 109   0
CCT6 YDR188W Subunit of the cytosolic chaperonin Cct ring complex, related to Tcp1p, essentia...   3 115   0
APS3 YJL024C Small subunit of the clathrin-associated adaptor complex AP-3, which is involved...   3 97   0
VPS45 YGL095C Protein of the Sec1p/Munc-18 family, essential for vacuolar protein sorting; req...   3 70   0.184
SSZ1 YHR064C Hsp70 protein that interacts with Zuo1p (a DnaJ homolog) to form a ribosome-asso... HSP70 family 3 95   0
SLX4 YLR135W Subunit of a complex, with Slx1p, that hydrolyzes 5- branches from duplex DNA in...   3 75   0.186
FAS2 YPL231W Alpha subunit of fatty acid synthetase, which catalyzes the synthesis of long-ch... fatty acid synthase alpha subunit 3 35   0
DHH1 YDL160C Cytoplasmic DExD/H-box helicase, stimulates mRNA decapping, coordinates distinct...   3 106   0.0946
APL6 YGR261C Beta3-like subunit of the yeast AP-3 complex; functions in transport of alkaline... clathrin assembly complex beta adaptin component (putative) 3 98   0
NTH1 YDR001C Neutral trehalase, degrades trehalose; required for thermotolerance and may medi... neutral trehalase 3 41 -0.8176 0
CDC36 YDL165W Component of the CCR4-NOT complex, which has multiple roles in regulating mRNA l... transcriptional regulator 2 89   0.0419
MNT2 YGL257C Mannosyltransferase involved in adding the 4th and 5th mannose residues of O-lin... alpha-1,3-mannosyltransferase 2 17   0
VID30 YGL227W Protein involved in proteasome-dependent catabolite degradation of fructose-1,6-...   2 66 -0.4427 0
  YDR065W     2 8   0.2209
EGD1 YPL037C Subunit beta1 of the nascent polypeptide-associated complex (NAC) involved in pr... pol II transcribed genes regulator 2 80   0.0739
RPT1 YKL145W One of six ATPases of the 19S regulatory particle of the 26S proteasome involved... 26S protease subunit component (putative)|ATPase 2 139   0
MOT2 YER068W Component of the CCR4-NOT transcription regulatory complex, which represses tran... zinc finger protein (putative) 2 141   0.1703
  YEL007W     2 11   0.0879
PEP7 YDR323C Multivalent adaptor protein that facilitates vesicle-mediated vacuolar protein s... three zinc fingers; cysteine rich regions of amino acids are essential for function 2 47   0.2612
BTT1 YDR252W Beta3 subunit of the heterotrimeric nascent polypeptide-associated complex (alph...   2 19   0
SFC1 YJR095W Mitochondrial succinate-fumarate transporter, transports succinate into and fuma... succinate-fumarate transport protein 2 17   0
PEP4 YPL154C Vacuolar aspartyl protease (proteinase A), required for the posttranslational pr... vacuolar proteinase A 2 34   0.2746
CRD1 YDL142C Cardiolipin synthase; produces cardiolipin, which is an important constituent of... cardiolipin synthase 2 72   0.0007
HAL1 YPR005C Cytoplasmic protein involved in halotolerance; decreases intracellular Na+ (via ... polar 32 kDa cytoplasmic protein 2 9   0.0736
VMA22 YHR060W Integral membrane protein that is required for vacuolar H+-ATPase (V-ATPase) fun...   2 39   0.0406
  YJL206C     2 40   0
  YJR096W     2 34   0
COF1 YLL050C Cofilin, promotes actin filament depolarization in a pH-dependent manner; binds ... actin binding and severing protein|cofilin 2 71   0.018
TRP2 YER090W Anthranilate synthase, catalyzes the initial step of tryptophan biosynthesis, fo... anthranilate synthase component I 2 76   0
  YCR061W     2 62   0
POR1 YNL055C Mitochondrial porin (voltage-dependent anion channel), outer membrane protein re... porin|voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) 2 74   0

Service provided by the Mike Tyers Laboratory