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SONAR Targetspace for Z-score NB
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Dynamic Data Scan For Putative Targets (genetic,physical,all)
Prediction Returned Rows:39
Sym Orf Description Function No All Z_score hyperg
HXT8 YJL214W Protein of unknown function with similarity to hexose transporter family members... hexose permease 2 39   0
GDS1 YOR355W Protein of unknown function, required for growth on glycerol as a carbon source   2 79   0
NPL4 YBR170C Endoplasmic reticulum and nuclear membrane protein, forms a complex with Cdc48p ...   2 51   0.0051
TIR3 YIL011W Cell wall mannoprotein of the Srp1p/Tip1p family of serine-alanine-rich proteins... cell wall mannoprotein 2 20   0
  YOR228C     2 85   0
RPS29B YDL061C Protein component of the small (40S) ribosomal subunit; nearly identical to Rps2... ribosomal protein S29B (S36B) (YS29) 2 43   0.0994
CIS1 YDR022C Protein of unknown function that may be involved in microtubule organization; hi...   2 29   0
ARO3 YDR035W 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate-7-phosphate (DAHP) synthase, catalyzes the first... 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate (DAHP) synthase isoenzyme 2 12   0
SWI1 YPL016W Subunit of the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex, which regulates transcripti... zinc finger transcription factor 2 73   0.1718
PDR5 YOR153W Short-lived membrane ABC (ATP-binding cassette) transporter, actively exports va... multidrug resistance transporter 1 65   0
  YGR237C     1 32   0.368
RPS0A YGR214W Protein component of the small (40S) ribosomal subunit, nearly identical to Rps0... ribosomal protein S0A 1 82   0.3788
PRY1 YJL079C Protein of unknown function, has similarity to Pry2p and Pry3p and to the plant ...   1 24   0
  YGR198W     1 59   0.001
PHO84 YML123C High-affinity inorganic phosphate (Pi) transporter and low-affinity manganese tr... inorganic phosphate transporter 1 72   0
  YLR312C     1 43   0.2292
COS12 YGL263W Protein of unknown function, member of the DUP380 subfamily of conserved, often ...   1 7   0.0533
RPL29 YFR032C-A Protein component of the large (60S) ribosomal subunit, has similarity to rat L2... ribosomal protein L29 (YL43) 1 66   0
ARP7 YPR034W Actin-related protein involved in transcriptional regulation; subunit of the chr... actin related protein|chromatin remodeling Snf/Swi complex subunit 1 67   0
TYR1 YBR166C Prephenate dehydrogenase involved in tyrosine biosynthesis, expression is depend... prephenate dehydrogenase (NADP+) 1 10   0.3646
INP1 YMR204C Peripheral membrane protein of peroxisomes involved in peroxisomal inheritance   1 19   0
PEX28 YHR150W Peroxisomal integral membrane protein, involved in regulation of peroxisome size... peroxin 1 13   0.3207
SBE2 YDR351W Protein involved in the transport of cell wall components from the Golgi to the ...   1 13   0.0001
UBC1 YDR177W Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme that mediates selective degradation of short-lived ... ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme 1 16   0.0533
GFD1 YMR255W Coiled-coiled protein of unknown function, identified as a high-copy suppressor ...   1 34   0
PIN2 YOR104W Protein that induces appearance of [PIN+] prion when overproduced   1 17   0
NHP6B YBR089C-A High-mobility group non-histone chromatin protein, functionally redundant with N... 11 kDa nonhistone chromosomal protein 1 91   0
GTR2 YGR163W Cytoplasmic GTP binding protein, negative regulator of the Ran/Tc4 GTPase cycle ... similar to Gtr1|small GTPase (putative) 1 37   0.0533
REB1 YBR049C RNA polymerase I enhancer binding protein; DNA binding protein which binds to ge... RNA polymerase I enhancer binding protein 1 53   0.2762
ATP7 YKL016C Subunit d of the stator stalk of mitochondrial F1F0 ATP synthase, which is a lar... ATP synthase d subunit 1 21   0.2955
AVL9 YLR114C Mutation is syntheticly lethal with apl2 vps1 double mutant   1 109   0.0494
CAF4 YKR036C WD40 repeat-containing protein associated with the CCR4-NOT complex, interacts i... CCR4 transcriptional complex component 1 66   0
ATP17 YDR377W Subunit f of the F0 sector of mitochondrial F1F0 ATP synthase, which is a large,... ATP synthase subunit f 1 10   0.0596
SNQ2 YDR011W ABC transporter protein involved in multidrug resistance and resistance to singl... ABC transporter 1 33   0
RPS10A YOR293W Protein component of the small (40S) ribosomal subunit; nearly identical to Rps1... ribosomal protein S10A 1 64   0
CEG1 YGL130W Alpha (guanylyltransferase) subunit of the mRNA capping enzyme, a heterodimer (t... mRNA capping enzyme alpha subunit|mRNA guanylyltransferase 1 82   0.0405
STE2 YFL026W Receptor for alpha-factor pheromone; seven transmembrane-domain GPCR that intera... G protein coupled receptor (GPCR)|alpha-factor pheromone receptor|seven-transmembrane domain protein 1 36   0.3312
ECM21 YBL101C Non-essential protein of unknown function; promoter contains several Gcn4p bindi...   1 25   0.2292
RSC3 YDR303C One of 15 subunits of the -Remodel the Structure of Chromatin- (RSC) complex; es...   1 68   0

Service provided by the Mike Tyers Laboratory