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SONAR Targetspace for MUNDOSERONEZ-score WebGraph NB WebGraph
Targetspace hs 445 0
Targetspace hs pval0.268354430379751
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Dynamic Data Scan For Putative Targets (genetic,physical,all)
Prediction Returned Rows:21
Sym Orf Description Function No All Z_score hyperg
PAC2 YER007W Microtubule effector required for tubulin heterodimer formation, binds alpha-tub... tubulin folding cofactor E 12 64   NAN
SLK19 YOR195W Kinetochore-associated protein required for normal segregation of chromosomes in... leucine zipper (putative) 9 111   0.0163
ISC1 YER019W Inositol phosphosphingolipid phospholipase C, hydrolyzes inositolphosphosphingol... ISC1 encodes phospholipase C type enzyme which hydrolyzes inositolphosphosphingolipids (IPC, MIPC, M(IP)2C) as well as sphingomyelin. 8 123   0.01
MEC3 YLR288C DNA damage and meiotic pachytene checkpoint protein; subunit of a heterotrimeric...   8 100   0.0284
CIN4 YMR138W GTP-binding protein involved in beta-tubulin (Tub2p) folding; isolated as mutant... GTP-binding protein 7 90   0
KIP1 YBL063W Kinesin-related motor protein required for mitotic spindle assembly and chromoso... kinesin related protein 7 23   0
MCM16 YPR046W Protein involved in kinetochore-microtubule mediated chromosome segregation; bin...   7 128   0.1438
PSH1 YOL054W Nuclear protein, putative RNA polymerase II elongation factor; isolated as Pob3p...   7 122   0
IPL1 YPL209C Aurora kinase involved in regulating kinetochore-microtubule attachments, associ... protein kinase 7 150   0
PIH1 YHR034C Protein of unresolved function; may function in protein folding and/or rRNA proc...   7 109   0
MCD1 YDL003W Essential protein required for sister chromatid cohesion in mitosis and meiosis;...   7 104   0
  YOR066W     6 41   0
SGO1 YOR073W Component of the spindle checkpoint, involved in sensing lack of tension on mito...   6 99   0.148
PPE1 YHR075C Protein with carboxyl methyl esterase activity that may have a role in demethyla...   6 33   0
MCM2 YBL023C Protein involved in DNA replication; component of the Mcm2-7 hexameric complex t...   6 88   0
ORC5 YNL261W Subunit of the origin recognition complex, which directs DNA replication by bind... ATP-binding site (putative)|origin recognition complex fifth largest subunit 6 67   0
RAD17 YOR368W Checkpoint protein, involved in the activation of the DNA damage and meiotic pac... 3--5-exonuclease (putative) 6 119   0.0034
VID28 YIL017C Protein involved in proteasome-dependent catabolite degradation of fructose-1,6-...   6 114   0
RFC4 YOL094C Subunit of heteropentameric Replication factor C (RF-C), which is a DNA binding ... replication factor C subunit 4|similar to human RFC 40 kDa subunit 6 96   0.0001
MDM20 YOL076W Non-catalytic subunit of the NatB N-terminal acetyltransferase, which catalyzes ...   6 43   0.0503
ACH1 YBL015W Acetyl-coA hydrolase, primarily localized to mitochondria; required for acetate ... acetyl CoA hydrolase 6 99   0.0248

Service provided by the Mike Tyers Laboratory