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SONAR Targetspace for 7,8-DIHYDROXYFLAVONEZ-score WebGraph NB WebGraph
Targetspace hs 192 251
Targetspace hs pval0.00804828973843060.15972222222222
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Dynamic Data Scan For Putative Targets (genetic,physical,all)
Prediction Returned Rows:40
Sym Orf Description Function No All Z_score hyperg
GYP1 YOR070C Cis-golgi GTPase-activating protein (GAP) for the Rab family members Ypt1p (in v... GTPase activating protein (GAP) 13 67 -1.0189 0
RAV1 YJR033C Subunit of the RAVE complex (Rav1p, Rav2p, Skp1p), which promotes assembly of th...   11 30   0.011
SWF1 YDR126W Palmitoyltransferase that acts on the SNAREs Snc1p, Syn8p, Tlg1p and likely on a...   10 48   0
IMH1 YLR309C Protein involved in vesicular transport, mediates transport between an endosomal...   10 4   0.0157
ARL3 YPL051W GTPase of the Ras superfamily required to recruit Arl1p to the Golgi; similar to...   10 42 -0.7890 0
PKR1 YMR123W Protein of unknown function; overproduction confers resistance to Pichia farinos...   10 32   0
SYS1 YJL004C Integral membrane protein of the Golgi required for targeting of the Arf-like GT...   9 41   0
SLY1 YDR189W Hydrophilic protein involved in vesicle trafficking between the ER and Golgi; SM... t-SNARE-interacting protein that functions in ER-to-Golgi traffic 9 38   0.0227
GET3 YDL100C ATPase, subunit of the GET complex; required for the retrieval of HDEL proteins ...   9 110   0.0278
VPS74 YDR372C Non-essential protein of unknown function involved in vacuolar protein sorting; ...   9 47   0.0197
VPS30 YPL120W Protein that forms a membrane-associated complex with Apg14p that is essential f...   9 25   0.0256
CDC50 YCR094W Endosomal protein that regulates cell polarity; similar to Ynr048wp and Lem3p   9 41   NAN
YKT6 YKL196C Vesicle membrane protein (v-SNARE) with acyltransferase activity; involved in tr... v-SNARE 9 14   0.1052
YPT1 YFL038C Ras-like small GTPase, involved in the ER-to-Golgi step of the secretory pathway... GTP-binding protein|ras homolog|similar to mammalian Rab1A protein 9 56   0.0074
  YPR084W     8 4   0.0128
  ETG9627     8 5   0
SEC28 YIL076W Epsilon-COP subunit of the coatomer; regulates retrograde Golgi-to-ER protein tr... epsilon-COP coatomer subunit 8 19   0
RUD3 YOR216C Golgi matrix protein involved in the structural organization of the cis-Golgi; i...   8 100   0
SRO9 YCL037C Cytoplasmic RNA-binding protein that associates with translating ribosomes; invo...   8 30   0.1316
PIK1 YNL267W Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase; catalyzes first step in the biosynthesis of phosp... phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase 8 108   0
SNX4 YJL036W Sorting nexin, involved in the retrieval of late-Golgi SNAREs from the post-Golg...   8 12   0.0002
DCR2 YLR361C Putative phosphoesterase that functions as a dosage-dependent positive regulator...   8 19   0
GMH1 YKR030W Golgi membrane protein of unknown function, interacts with Gea1p and Gea2p; requ...   8 5   0.1547
APL6 YGR261C Beta3-like subunit of the yeast AP-3 complex; functions in transport of alkaline... clathrin assembly complex beta adaptin component (putative) 7 10   0
TVP15 YDR100W Integral membrane protein localized to late Golgi vesicles along with the v-SNAR... integral membrane protein 7 3   NAN
SNF4 YGL115W Protein kinase activator found in a complex containing Snf1p and members of the ... associates with Snf1p 7 31   0
VMA22 YHR060W Integral membrane protein that is required for vacuolar H+-ATPase (V-ATPase) fun...   7 17   0.1519
BST1 YFL025C GPI inositol deacylase of the ER that negatively regulates COPII vesicle formati...   7 41   0
RPL2A YFR031C-A Protein component of the large (60S) ribosomal subunit, identical to Rpl2Bp and ... ribosomal protein L2A (L5A) (rp8) (YL6) 7 9   0
PSD1 YNL169C Phosphatidylserine decarboxylase of the mitochondrial inner membrane, converts p... phosphatidylserine decarboxylase 7 45   0.1624
TEF4 YKL081W Translation elongation factor EF-1 gamma translation elongation factor EF-1gamma 7 15   0.0449
GEF1 YJR040W Chloride channel localized to late- or post-Golgi vesicles, involved in iron met... transport protein involved in intracellular iron metabolism (putative) 7 10   0
SRO7 YPR032W Protein with roles in exocytosis and cation homeostasis; functions in docking an... yeast homolog of the Drosophila tumor suppressor, lethal giant larvae 7 34   0.1023
VPS38 YLR360W Part of a Vps34p phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex that functions in carboxy...   7 31   0.0067
EMP70 YLR083C Protein whose 24kDa cleavage product is found in endosome-enriched membrane frac...   7 7   0.011
ENT4 YLL038C Protein of unknown function, contains an N-terminal epsin-like domain   7 4   0.0046
MRL1 YPR079W Membrane protein with similarity to mammalian mannose-6-phosphate receptors, pos...   7 3   0.1577
STV1 YMR054W Subunit of vacuolar-ATPase V0 domain, one of two isoforms (Stv1p and Vph1p); Stv... 110 kDa subunit; not in vacuole membrane|vacuolar H-ATPase 7 10   0
  YMR010W     7 4   NAN
RPL35A YDL191W Protein component of the large (60S) ribosomal subunit, identical to Rpl35Bp and... ribosomal protein L35A 7 13   0.0127

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