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Dynamic Data Scan For Putative Targets (genetic,physical,all)
Prediction Returned Rows:40
Sym Orf Description Function No All Z_score hyperg
BBC1 YJL020C Protein possibly involved in assembly of actin patches; interacts with an actin ...   3 28   0.1895
  YGL242C     2 2   0.0018
HAT2 YEL056W Subunit of the Hat1p-Hat2p histone acetyltransferase complex; required for high ... histone acetyltransferase subunit 2 9   0
CLB1 YGR108W B-type cyclin involved in cell cycle progression; activates Cdc28p to promote th... B-type cyclin 2 14   0.1426
RTG1 YOL067C Transcription factor (bHLH) involved in interorganelle communication between mit... transcription factor 2 9   0.0726
BNI5 YNL166C Protein involved in organization of septins at the mother-bud neck, may interact...   2 14   0.0061
HOT1 YMR172W Transcription factor required for the transient induction of glycerol biosynthet... nuclear protein 2 3   0.0008
AFG1 YEL052W Putative ATPase of the CDC48/PAS1/SEC18 (AAA) family, localized to mitochondria ATPase family 2 3   0.0014
YEF1 YEL041W ATP-NADH kinase; phosophorylates both NAD and NADH; homooctameric structure cons...   2 4   0.0014
ECM21 YBL101C Non-essential protein of unknown function; promoter contains several Gcn4p bindi...   2 8   0.2751
HSE1 YHL002W Subunit of the endosomal Vps27p-Hse1p complex required for sorting of ubiquitina...   2 9   0.0486
RIM11 YMR139W Protein kinase required for signal transduction during entry into meiosis; promo...   2 10   0.0844
CYC7 YEL039C Cytochrome c isoform 2, expressed under hypoxic conditions; electron carrier of ... iso-2-cytochrome c 2 4   0.0008
UGA3 YDL170W Transcriptional activator necessary for gamma-aminobutyrate (GABA)-dependent ind... zinc finger transcription factor of the Zn(2)-Cys(6) binuclear cluster domain type 2 6   0.0061
UTR4 YEL038W Protein of unknown function, found in both the cytoplasm and nucleus   2 3   0.0008
SPS4 YOR313C Protein whose expression is induced during sporulation; not required for sporula...   2 2   0.0008
SET6 YPL165C Protein of unknown function; deletion heterozygote is sensitive to compounds tha...   2 3   0.0262
NAT5 YOR253W Subunit of the N-terminal acetyltransferase NatA (Nat1p, Ard1p, Nat5p); N-termin... N-acetyltransferase 1 4   0
YVH1 YIR026C Protein phosphatase involved in vegetative growth at low temperatures, sporulati... protein tyrosine phosphatase induced by nitrogen starvation 1 14   0.033
MRK1 YDL079C Glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK-3) homolog; one of four GSK-3 homologs in S. cer... MDS1 related protein kinase 1 6   0.0294
BUL2 YML111W Component of the Rsp5p E3-ubiquitin ligase complex, involved in intracellular am...   1 6   0.037
CDC19 YAL038W Pyruvate kinase, functions as a homotetramer in glycolysis to convert phosphoeno... pyruvate kinase 1 11   0.0659
RPS0A YGR214W Protein component of the small (40S) ribosomal subunit, nearly identical to Rps0... ribosomal protein S0A 1 12   0.3788
BUL1 YMR275C Ubiquitin-binding component of the Rsp5p E3-ubiquitin ligase complex, functional...   1 25   0.0012
PGM1 YKL127W Phosphoglucomutase, minor isoform; catalyzes the conversion from glucose-1-phosp... phosphoglucomutase minor isoform 1 11   0.073
RPS23A YGR118W Ribosomal protein 28 (rp28) of the small (40S) ribosomal subunit, required for t... ribosomal protein S23A (S28A) (rp37) (YS14) 1 5   0.1351
  YDL063C     1 2   0.1726
KCC4 YCL024W Protein kinase of the bud neck involved in the septin checkpoint, associates wit... S. pombe Nim1 homolog|protein kinase 1 5   0
YGK3 YOL128C Protein kinase related to mammalian glycogen synthase kinases of the GSK-3 famil... protein kinase 1 5   0.0002
SEF1 YBL066C Putative transcription factor, has homolog in Kluyveromyces lactis transcription factor (putative) 1 2   0.1726
MDS3 YGL197W Protein with an N-terminal kelch-like domain, putative negative regulator of ear...   1 7   0.0484
RPL16A YIL133C N-terminally acetylated protein component of the large (60S) ribosomal subunit, ... ribosomal protein L16A (L21A) (rp22) (YL15) 1 6   0.2721
  YFR045W     1 3   0.2283
CLB3 YDL155W B-type cyclin involved in cell cycle progression; activates Cdc28p to promote th... B-type cyclin 1 18   0.0434
FUS1 YCL027W Membrane protein localized to the shmoo tip, required for cell fusion; expressio...   1 15   0.1917
TIF11 YMR260C Translation initiation factor eIF1A, essential protein that forms a complex with... translation initiation factor eIF1A 1 12   0.2973
DAN3 YBR301W Cell wall mannoprotein with similarity to Tir1p, Tir2p, Tir3p, and Tir4p; expres... putative cell wall protein 1 1   0.1917
CAF20 YOR276W Phosphoprotein of the mRNA cap-binding complex involved in translational control... 20 kDa protein|functional and limited sequence similarity to EAP1|functionally analogous to mammalian 4E-BPs 1 9   0.2973
RPL14A YKL006W N-terminally acetylated protein component of the large (60S) ribosomal subunit, ... ribosomal protein L14A 1 12   0.3685
ROG1 YGL144C Protein with putative serine active lipase domain   1 6   0.0205

Service provided by the Mike Tyers Laboratory