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SONAR Targetspace for ROTENONIC ACIDZ-score WebGraph NB WebGraph
Targetspace hs 79 0
Targetspace hs pval0.527439024390241
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Dynamic Data Scan For Putative Targets (genetic,physical,all)
Prediction Returned Rows:40
Sym Orf Description Function No All Z_score hyperg
SGT1 YOR057W Probable cochaperone, regulates activity of Cyr1p (adenylyl cyclase); involved i...   2 12   0
SAK1 YER129W Upstream kinase for the SNF1 complex; partially redundant function with Elm1p an...   2 11   0.0001
AXL2 YIL140W Integral plasma membrane protein required for axial budding in haploid cells, lo...   2 13   0.2837
MIG2 YGL209W Protein containing zinc fingers, involved in repression, along with Mig1p, of SU... contains zinc fingers very similar to zinc fingers in Mig1p 2 6   0
REC102 YLR329W Protein involved in early stages of meiotic recombination; required for chromoso... 23 kDa protein containing a putative leucine zipper|meiosis specific recombination protein 2 8   0.0052
CRD1 YDL142C Cardiolipin synthase; produces cardiolipin, which is an important constituent of... cardiolipin synthase 2 25   0.0007
TOS3 YGL179C Protein kinase, related to and functionally redundant with Elm1p and Sak1p for t...   2 3   0.0004
PAN2 YGL094C Essential subunit of the Pan2p-Pan3p poly(A)-ribonuclease complex, which acts to... poly(A) ribonuclease 135 kDa subunit 2 9   0.0542
TOK1 YJL093C Outward-rectifier potassium channel of the plasma membrane with two pore domains... outward-rectifier potassium channel 2 7   0.2053
  YFR007W     1 2   0
  YFR044C     1 5   0
  YFR006W     1 2   0
RET2 YFR051C Delta subunit of the coatomer complex (COPI), which coats Golgi-derived transpor...   1 4   0
ROG3 YFR022W Protein that binds to Rsp5p, which is a hect-type ubiquitin ligase, via its 2 PY...   1 2   0
CMK1 YFR014C Calmodulin-dependent protein kinase; may play a role in stress response, many CA... calmodulin-dependent protein kinase 1 4   0.0119
  YFR017C     1 3   0.0119
  YFR018C     1 2   0
IOC3 YFR013W Member of a complex (Isw1a) with Isw1p that has nucleosome-stimulated ATPase act...   1 3   0.0293
  YFR011C     1 2   0
HOP2 YGL033W Meiosis-specific protein that localizes to chromosomes, preventing synapsis betw... meiosis-specific gene required for the pairing of similar chromosomes 1 16   0.0533
DBP3 YGL078C Putative ATP-dependent RNA helicase of the DEAD-box family involved in ribosomal... ATP dependent RNA helicase|dead/deah box protein CA3 1 6 1.0758 0.0675
RNA15 YGL044C Cleavage and polyadenylation factor I (CF I) component involved in cleavage and ... cleavage and polyadenylation factor CF I component involved in pre-mRNA 3--end processing 1 19   0.002
CSE1 YGL238W Nuclear envelope protein that mediates the nuclear export of importin alpha (Srp...   1 6   0
  YGR053C     1 2   0
  YGR122W     1 7   0.002
  YGR127W     1 2   0.002
  YGR125W     1 4   0.363
HAP2 YGL237C Subunit of the heme-activated, glucose-repressed Hap2p/3p/4p/5p CCAAT-binding co... transcriptional activator protein of CYC1 (component of HAP2/HAP3 heteromer) 1 11   0.0197
ADE5,7 YGL234W Bifunctional enzyme of the -de novo- purine nucleotide biosynthetic pathway, con... aminoimidazole ribotide synthetase|glycinamide ribotide synthetase 1 3   0
ALG13 YGL047W Catalytic component of UDP-GlcNAc transferase, required for the second step of d... UDP-N-acetylglucosamine transferase 1 4   0
LOC1 YFR001W Nuclear protein involved in asymmetric localization of ASH1 mRNA; binds double-s...   1 4   0
VPS73 YGL104C Mitochondrial protein of unknown function involved in vacuolar protein sorting   1 7   0
  YGL220W     1 1   0.0675
RPL9A YGL147C Protein component of the large (60S) ribosomal subunit, nearly identical to Rpl9... ribosomal protein L9A (L8A) (rp24) (YL11) 1 7   0.2809
ALR2 YFL050C Probable Mg(2+) transporter; overexpression confers increased tolerance to Al(3+...   1 6   0
  YFL054C     1 2   0.0533
NPR2 YEL062W Regulator of nitrogen permeases; transcription is induced in response to proline...   1 9   0.083
CAN1 YEL063C Plasma membrane arginine permease, requires phosphatidyl ethanolamine (PE) for l... arginine permease 1 12   0
AVT2 YEL064C Putative transporter, member of a family of seven S. cerevisiae genes (AVT1-7) r... transporter 1 2   0.0533
PRP22 YER013W DEAH-box RNA-dependent ATPase/ATP-dependent RNA helicase, associates with lariat... helicase-like protein 1 10   0

Service provided by the Mike Tyers Laboratory