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Dynamic Data Scan For Putative Targets (genetic,physical,all)
Prediction Returned Rows:40
Sym Orf Description Function No All Z_score hyperg
SET3 YKR029C Defining member of the SET3 histone deacetylase complex which is a meiosis-speci...   3 90   0
ARF1 YDL192W ADP-ribosylation factor, GTPase of the Ras superfamily involved in regulation of... ADP-ribosylation factor 3 126 -2.4018 0
SFB2 YNL049C Probable component of COPII coated vesicles that binds to Sec23p; similar to and... zinc finger protein (putative) 2 16   0.0001
ESC2 YDR363W Protein involved in mating-type locus silencing, interacts with Sir2p; probably ...   2 74   0
HXK1 YFR053C Hexokinase isoenzyme 1, a cytosolic protein that catalyzes phosphorylation of gl... hexokinase I (PI) (also called hexokinase A) 2 6   0.2553
FET4 YMR319C Low-affinity Fe(II) transporter of the plasma membrane low affinity Fe2+ transport protein 2 7   0.1886
DSK2 YMR276W Nuclear-enriched ubiquitin-like polyubiquitin-binding protein, required for spin... ubiquitin-like protein 2 22   0.0717
TOP2 YNL088W Essential type II topoisomerase, relieves torsional strain in DNA by cleaving an... topoisomerase II 2 15   0.166
GLK1 YCL040W Glucokinase, catalyzes the phosphorylation of glucose at C6 in the first irrever... glucokinase 2 6   0.2679
CWH43 YCR017C Putative sensor/transporter protein involved in cell wall biogenesis; contains 1...   2 48   0.0036
ALG12 YNR030W Alpha-1,6-mannosyltransferase localized to the ER; responsible for the addition ... mannosyltransferase 2 49   0.2114
UBP8 YMR223W Ubiquitin-specific protease that is a component of the SAGA (Spt-Ada-Gcn5-Acetyl...   2 97 -1.5958 0.241
SNT1 YCR033W Subunit of the Set3C deacetylase complex; putative DNA-binding protein   2 47   0
SKI3 YPR189W Protein involved in exosome mediated 3- to 5- mRNA degradation and translation i... antiviral protein that blocks translation of un-polyadenylated mRNAs 2 21   0.2633
RPA49 YNL248C RNA polymerase I subunit A49 RNA polymerase A 49 kDa alpha subunit 2 44 0.4240 0.2789
GOT1 YMR292W Evolutionarily conserved non-essential protein present in early Golgi cisternae ... membrane protein 2 34   0
SIF2 YBR103W WD40 repeat-containing subunit of the Set3C histone deacetylase complex, which r...   2 61   0
BOP2 YLR267W Protein of unknown function, overproduction suppresses a pam1 slv3 double null m...   2 16   0.0019
VPS54 YDR027C Component of the GARP (Golgi-associated retrograde protein) complex, Vps51p-Vps5...   2 64   0
BUG1 YDL099W Protein of unknown function; green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein loca...   2 26   0.0002
NMD3 YHR170W Protein involved in nuclear export of the large ribosomal subunit; acts as a Crm... factor required for a late assembly step of the 60S subunit 1 10   0.0405
MAK11 YKL021C Protein essential for cell growth and replication of M dsRNA virus; contains fou...   1 5   0.0405
NAM7 YMR080C ATP-dependent RNA helicase of the SFI superfamily, required for nonsense mediate... helicase (putative) 1 38   0.1715
DOM34 YNL001W Probable RNA-binding protein, functions in protein translation to promote G1 pro...   1 34   0.0119
RAI1 YGL246C Nuclear protein that binds to and stabilizes the exoribonuclease Rat1p, required...   1 8   0.0293
RPL42B YHR141C Protein component of the large (60S) ribosomal subunit, identical to Rpl42Ap and... ribosomal protein L42B (YL27) (L41B) (YP44) 1 4   0.0405
RPB7 YDR404C RNA polymerase II subunit B16; forms two subunit dissociable complex with Rpb4p RNA polymerase II dissociable subunit 1 10   0
EBS1 YDR206W Protein of unknown function, contains a putative RNA recognition motif, deletion...   1 5   0
MAK21 YDR060W Constituent of 66S pre-ribosomal particles, required for large (60S) ribosomal s...   1 7   0.0405
CEG1 YGL130W Alpha (guanylyltransferase) subunit of the mRNA capping enzyme, a heterodimer (t... mRNA capping enzyme alpha subunit|mRNA guanylyltransferase 1 16   0.0405
RPL1B YGL135W N-terminally acetylated protein component of the large (60S) ribosomal subunit, ... ribosomal protein L1B 1 30   0.0119
IGO2 YHR132W-A Hypothetical protein   1 7   0
RPL8A YHL033C Ribosomal protein L4 of the large (60S) ribosomal subunit, nearly identical to R... ribosomal protein L8A (rp6) (YL5) (L4A) 1 9   0.0882
IGO1 YNL157W Hypothetical protein   1 4   0
ECM21 YBL101C Non-essential protein of unknown function; promoter contains several Gcn4p bindi...   1 8   0.2292
PRP2 YNR011C RNA-dependent ATPase in the DEAH-box family, required for activation of the spli... RNA splicing factor RNA-dependent NTPase with DEAD-box motif 1 12   0.1498
TOM1 YDR457W E3 ubiquitin ligase of the hect-domain class; has a role in mRNA export from the...   1 29   0.2448
BTT1 YDR252W Beta3 subunit of the heterotrimeric nascent polypeptide-associated complex (alph...   1 6   0
JJJ1 YNL227C Protein that contains a 70 amino acid J-domain, may function as a co-chaperone t...   1 10   0.0906
EGD2 YHR193C Alpha subunit of the heteromeric nascent polypeptide-associated complex (NAC) in... GAL4 enhancer protein|nascent-polypeptide-associated complex human alpha NAC subunit homolog 1 5   0.1351

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