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SONAR Targetspace for Z-score NB
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Targetspace Analysis
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Dynamic Data Scan For Putative Targets (genetic,physical,all)
Prediction Returned Rows:8
Sym Orf Description Function No All Z_score hyperg
KRE11 YGR166W Protein involved in biosynthesis of cell wall beta-glucans; subunit of the TRAPP...   16 139   0
CHS6 YJL099W Protein of unknown function, involved in chitin biosynthesis by regulating Chs3p...   15 135   NAN
LST4 YKL176C Protein possibly involved in a post-Golgi secretory pathway; required for the tr...   14 128   0
YUR1 YJL139C Mannosyltransferase of the KTR1 family, involved in protein N-glycosylation; loc... mannosyltransferase 13 59   0
CNE1 YAL058W Calnexin; integral membrane ER chaperone involved in folding and quality control... calnexin and calreticulin homolog 11 144   0.0089
SPA2 YLL021W Component of the polarisome, which functions in actin cytoskeletal organization ...   11 103   0
KAR1 YNL188W Essential protein involved in karyogamy during mating and in spindle pole body d...   10 23   0.0029
PIN4 YBL051C Protein involved in G2/M phase progression and response to DNA damage, interacts...   10 75   0.0265

Service provided by the Mike Tyers Laboratory