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SONAR Targetspace for Z-score NB
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Targetspace Analysis
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Dynamic Data Scan For Putative Targets (genetic,physical,all)
Prediction Returned Rows:18
Sym Orf Description Function No All Z_score hyperg
SPT23 YKL020C ER membrane protein involved, with its homolog Mga2p, in regulation of OLE1 tran...   2 78   0.0247
PMT4 YJR143C Protein O-mannosyltransferase, transfers mannose residues from dolichyl phosphat... dolichyl phosphate-D-mannose:protein O-D-mannosyltransferase 2 80   0
LST4 YKL176C Protein possibly involved in a post-Golgi secretory pathway; required for the tr...   2 128   0.2799
  YLL014W     2 53   0.0534
IRS4 YKR019C Protein involved in regulation of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate concentr...   2 112   0.1783
  YJR088C     2 65   0.1599
CBR1 YIL043C Microsomal cytochrome b reductase, not essential for viability; also detected in... cytochrome b reductase 2 62   0.2754
BIG1 YHR101C Integral membrane protein of the endoplasmic reticulum, required for normal cont...   2 63   0.2771
APS3 YJL024C Small subunit of the clathrin-associated adaptor complex AP-3, which is involved...   2 97   0
YUR1 YJL139C Mannosyltransferase of the KTR1 family, involved in protein N-glycosylation; loc... mannosyltransferase 2 59   0.2032
PHO86 YJL117W Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) resident protein required for ER exit of the high-aff...   2 143   0.0262
RCE1 YMR274C Type II CAAX prenyl protease involved in the proteolysis and maturation of Ras a... protease 2 69   0.1498
GAS5 YOL030W Putative 1,3-beta-glucanosyltransferase, has similarity to Gas1p; localizes to t...   2 27   0.0334
ALG12 YNR030W Alpha-1,6-mannosyltransferase localized to the ER; responsible for the addition ... mannosyltransferase 2 100   0.2114
KRE1 YNL322C Cell wall glycoprotein involved in beta-glucan assembly; serves as a K1 killer t...   2 144 -2.3638 0
SCJ1 YMR214W One of several homologs of bacterial chaperone DnaJ, located in the ER lumen whe... DnaJ homolog 2 119   0.0002
ROT1 YMR200W Protein that may be involved in cell wall function; mutations in rot1 cause cell... membrane protein (putative) 2 81   0.0325
CCW14 YLR390W-A Covalently linked cell wall glycoprotein, present in the inner layer of the cell... cell wall mannoprotein 2 18   0

Service provided by the Mike Tyers Laboratory