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SONAR Targetspace for Z-score NB
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Dynamic Data Scan For Putative Targets (genetic,physical,all)
Prediction Returned Rows:30
Sym Orf Description Function No All Z_score hyperg
BST1 YFL025C GPI inositol deacylase of the ER that negatively regulates COPII vesicle formati...   2 3   0
TYS1 YGR185C Cytoplasmic tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase, class I aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase that amin... tyrosine-tRNA ligase 2 21   0
SLT2 YHR030C Serine/threonine MAP kinase involved in regulating the maintenance of cell wall ...   2 98   0
KAR2 YJL034W ATPase involved in protein import into the ER, also acts as a chaperone to media... HSP70 family|mammalian BiP (GRP78 or HSPA5) homolog 2 58   0.0002
PKC1 YBL105C Protein serine/threonine kinase essential for cell wall remodeling during growth...   1 42   0
BUD3 YCL014W Protein involved in bud-site selection and required for axial budding pattern; l...   1 42   0
UBC1 YDR177W Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme that mediates selective degradation of short-lived ... ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme 1 9   0.0533
ASM4 YDL088C Nuclear pore complex subunit, part of a subcomplex also containing Nup53p, Nup17... nuclear pore complex subunit 1 28   0.0659
SIR3 YLR442C Silencing protein that interacts with Sir2p and Sir4p, and histone H3 and H4 tai... silencing regulator at HML, HMR, and telomeres 1 56   0.042
GAP1 YKR039W General amino acid permease; localization to the plasma membrane is regulated by... general amino acid permease 1 15   0.002
ERV25 YML012W Protein that forms a heterotrimeric complex with Erp1, Erp2p, and Emp24, member ... vesicle coat component 1 37   0
EMP24 YGL200C Integral membrane component of endoplasmic reticulum-derived COPII-coated vesicl... type I transmembrane protein 1 28   0
SIR2 YDL042C Conserved NAD+ dependent histone deacetylase of the Sirtuin family involved in r... nuclear NAD-dependent deacetylase 1 76   0.0007
YOS9 YDR057W Lectin; soluble lumenal ER protein; member of the OS-9 protein family; similar t... membrane-associated glycoprotein 1 21   0
TOR2 YKL203C PIK-related protein kinase and rapamycin target; subunit of TORC1, a complex tha...   1 89   0.3691
TOR1 YJR066W PIK-related protein kinase and rapamycin target; subunit of TORC1, a complex tha... phosphatidylinositol kinase homolog 1 104   0
CIN8 YEL061C Kinesin motor protein involved in mitotic spindle assembly and chromosome segreg...   1 18   0
ASC1 YMR116C WD repeat protein (G-beta like protein) involved in translation regulation; requ... G-beta like protein 1 73   0.3762
CNA1 YLR433C Calcineurin A; one isoform (the other is CMP2) of the catalytic subunit of calci... calcineurin subunit A 1 27   0.1895
JNM1 YMR294W Component of the yeast dynactin complex, consisting of Nip100p, Jnm1p, and Arp1p...   1 19   0.0002
CIN5 YOR028C Basic leucine zipper transcriptional factor of the yAP-1 family that mediates pl... bZIP (basic-leucine zipper) protein|can activate transcription from a promoter containing a Yap recognition site 1 15   0.0516
  YKL047W     1 5   0
RLM1 YPL089C MADS-box transcription factor, component of the protein kinase C-mediated MAP ki...   1 15   0.0042
BUD6 YLR319C Actin- and formin-interacting protein, involved in actin cable nucleation and po...   1 29   0.3415
BAS1 YKR099W Myb-related transcription factor involved in regulating basal and induced expres... transcription factor 1 11   0.3795
PDA1 YER178W E1 alpha subunit of the pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) complex, catalyzes the dire... pyruvate dehydrogenase alpha subunit (E1 alpha) 1 23   0.0687
BCK2 YER167W Protein rich in serine and threonine residues involved in protein kinase C signa...   1 15   0.1265
PIL1 YGR086C Integral membrane protein that along with Lsp1p is a primary component of eisoso...   1 80   0.0119
TID3 YIL144W Component of the evolutionarily conserved kinetochore-associated Ndc80 complex (...   1 79   0
GVP36 YIL041W Golgi vesicle protein of unknown function; localizes to both early and late Golg... peripheral membrane protein 1 10   0.0567

Service provided by the Mike Tyers Laboratory