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SONAR Targetspace for Z-score NB
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Targetspace Analysis
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Dynamic Data Scan For Putative Targets (genetic,physical,all)
Prediction Returned Rows:31
Sym Orf Description Function No All Z_score hyperg
KRE11 YGR166W Protein involved in biosynthesis of cell wall beta-glucans; subunit of the TRAPP...   4 62   0
CHS7 YHR142W Protein of unknown function, involved in chitin biosynthesis by regulating Chs3p...   4 45   0
KRE1 YNL322C Cell wall glycoprotein involved in beta-glucan assembly; serves as a K1 killer t...   4 119 -1.5727 0
CHS5 YLR330W Protein of unknown function, involved in chitin biosynthesis by regulating Chs3p...   4 107   0
CNB1 YKL190W Calcineurin B; the regulatory subunit of calcineurin, a Ca++/calmodulin-regulate... calcineurin regulatory B subunit|type 2B protein phosphatase 4 81   0
SKT5 YBL061C Activator of Chs3p (chitin synthase III), recruits Chs3p to the bud neck via int...   4 67   0
CHS3 YBR023C Chitin synthase III, catalyzes the transfer of N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) to c... chitin synthase 3 4 93   0
NBP2 YDR162C Protein involved in the HOG (high osmolarity glycerol) pathway, negatively regul...   3 93   0
MID2 YLR332W O-glycosylated plasma membrane protein that acts as a sensor for cell wall integ...   3 46   0
CHS6 YJL099W Protein of unknown function, involved in chitin biosynthesis by regulating Chs3p...   3 54   0
PKC1 YBL105C Protein serine/threonine kinase essential for cell wall remodeling during growth...   2 102   0.0003
SWF1 YDR126W Palmitoyltransferase that acts on the SNAREs Snc1p, Syn8p, Tlg1p and likely on a...   2 48   0
ROT2 YBR229C Glucosidase II catalytic subunit required for normal cell wall synthesis; mutati... glucosidase II 2 92   0
MGA2 YIR033W ER membrane protein involved, with its homolog Spt23p, in regulation of OLE1 tra...   2 146   0
ERV14 YGL054C Protein localized to COPII-coated vesicles, involved in vesicle formation and in... 14 kDa protein found on ER-derived vesicles 2 76   0
ROM2 YLR371W GDP/GTP exchange protein (GEP) for Rho1p and Rho2p; mutations are synthetically ...   2 71   0.001
ILM1 YJR118C Protein of unknown function; may be involved in mitochondrial DNA maintenance; r...   2 108   0.0101
PKH1 YDR490C Serine/threonine protein kinase involved in sphingolipid-mediated signaling path...   2 22   0
RLM1 YPL089C MADS-box transcription factor, component of the protein kinase C-mediated MAP ki...   2 14   0.0166
PKH2 YOL100W Serine/threonine protein kinase involved in sphingolipid-mediated signaling path...   2 19   0
NAB6 YML117W Putative RNA-binding protein, based on computational analysis of large-scale pro...   2 5   0.2254
KEX2 YNL238W Subtilisin-like protease (proprotein convertase), a calcium-dependent serine pro... Ca2+-dependent serine protease 2 86   0.0125
VPS9 YML097C A guanine nucleotide exchange factor involved in vesicle-mediated vacuolar prote...   2 88   0.0154
HLJ1 YMR161W Co-chaperone for Hsp40p, anchored in the ER membrane; with its homolog Hdj1p pro...   2 102   0.0005
CCS1 YMR038C Copper chaperone for superoxide dismutase Sod1p, involved in oxidative stress pr... copper chaperone 2 129   0
COG5 YNL051W Component of the conserved oligomeric Golgi complex (Cog1p through Cog8p), a cyt...   2 89   0
BNI4 YNL233W Targeting subunit for Glc7p protein phosphatase, localized to the bud neck, requ... scaffold protein 2 41   0
SWI4 YER111C DNA binding component of the SBF complex (Swi4p-Swi6p), a transcriptional activa... transcription factor 2 140   0
PHO80 YOL001W Cyclin, negatively regulates phosphate metabolism; Pho80p-Pho85p (cyclin-CDK com... Pho80p cyclin 2 145   0.1218
CWH41 YGL027C Processing alpha glucosidase I, ER type II integral membrane N-glycoprotein invo... glucosidase I 2 62   0.0002
ALG12 YNR030W Alpha-1,6-mannosyltransferase localized to the ER; responsible for the addition ... mannosyltransferase 2 49   0.2114

Service provided by the Mike Tyers Laboratory