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SONAR Targetspace for Z-score NB
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Dynamic Data Scan For Putative Targets (genetic,physical,all)
Prediction Returned Rows:21
Sym Orf Description Function No All Z_score hyperg
TUB3 YML124C Alpha-tubulin; associates with beta-tubulin (Tub2p) to form tubulin dimer, which... alpha-tubulin 6 56   0
CIN1 YOR349W Tubulin folding factor D involved in beta-tubulin (Tub2p) folding; isolated as m... tubulin folding cofactor D 6 94   0
RBL2 YOR265W Protein involved in microtubule morphogenesis, required for protection from exce... tubulin folding cofactor A 6 30   0
MAD1 YGL086W Coiled-coil protein involved in the spindle-assembly checkpoint; phosphorylated ...   6 134   0.0001
BIK1 YCL029C Microtubule-associated protein, component of the interface between microtubules ...   6 71   0
NUM1 YDR150W Protein required for nuclear migration, localizes to the mother cell cortex and ...   5 67 -4.9275 0.0087
DYN3 YMR299C Dynein light intermediate chain (LIC); localizes with dynein, null mutant is def... Light intermediate chain of dynein 5 32   0.1695
KIP2 YPL155C Kinesin-related motor protein involved in mitotic spindle positioning, stabilize... kinesin related protein 5 38   0.0213
BFA1 YJR053W Component of the GTPase-activating Bfa1p-Bub2p complex involved in multiple cell...   5 49   0.0865
NIP100 YPL174C Large subunit of the dynactin complex, which is involved in partitioning the mit... large subunit of dynactin complex (putative) 5 68   0
CIN2 YPL241C Tubulin folding factor C (putative) involved in beta-tubulin (Tub2p) folding; is... tubulin folding cofactor C 4 64 -5.1797 0
IML3 YBR107C Protein with a role in kinetochore function, localizes to the outer kinetochore ...   4 43   0.027
HOC1 YJR075W Alpha-1,6-mannosyltransferase involved in cell wall mannan biosynthesis; subunit... mannosyltransferase (putative) 4 64 -3.7956 0
CTF19 YPL018W Outer kinetochore protein, required for accurate mitotic chromosome segregation;... kinetochore protein 4 68   0.001
KAR9 YPL269W Karyogamy protein required for correct positioning of the mitotic spindle and fo...   4 82   0
CHL1 YPL008W Conserved nuclear protein required to establish sister-chromatid pairing during ... deah box protein|kinetochore protein 4 75   0
CSM1 YCR086W Nucleolar protein that forms a complex with Lrs4p which binds Mam1p at kinetocho...   4 123   0.0001
KAR3 YPR141C Minus-end-directed microtubule motor that functions in mitosis and meiosis, loca... kinesin-like nuclear fusion protein 4 150   0
RVS161 YCR009C Amphiphysin-like lipid raft protein; subunit of a complex (Rvs161p-Rvs167p) that...   4 140   0
MCM16 YPR046W Protein involved in kinetochore-microtubule mediated chromosome segregation; bin...   4 47   0.0422
BBC1 YJL020C Protein possibly involved in assembly of actin patches; interacts with an actin ...   4 28   0.2086

Service provided by the Mike Tyers Laboratory