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SONAR Targetspace for Z-score NB
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Dynamic Data Scan For Putative Targets (genetic,physical,all)
Prediction Returned Rows:35
Sym Orf⇓ Description Function No All Z_score hyperg
IQG1 YPL242C Essential protein required for determination of budding pattern, promotes locali...   4 16   0
BOP3 YNL042W Protein of unknown function, potential Cdc28p substrate; overproduction suppress...   4 2   0
  YNL035C     4 5   0
SIC1 YLR079W Inhibitor of Cdc28-Clb kinase complexes that controls G1/S phase transition, pre...   4 144   0
CTK1 YKL139W Catalytic (alpha) subunit of C-terminal domain kinase I (CTDK-I), which phosphor... kinase subunit of RNA polymerase II carboxy-terminal domain kinase I 4 112   0
BUD2 YKL092C GTPase activating factor for Rsr1p/Bud1p required for both axial and bipolar bud... GTPase activating protein (GAP) for Rsr1p/Bud1p 4 5   0
CDC11 YJR076C Component of the septin ring of the mother-bud neck that is required for cytokin... 10 nm filament component of mother-bud neck|septin 4 11   0
LSM1 YJL124C Lsm (Like Sm) protein; forms heteroheptameric complex (with Lsm2p, Lsm3p, Lsm4p,...   4 85   0
CLB6 YGR109C B-type cyclin involved in DNA replication during S phase; activates Cdc28p to pr... B-type cyclin 4 15   0
CDH1 YGL003C Cell-cycle regulated activator of the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/... required for Clb2 and Ase1 degradation 8 92   0.0017
SCS2 YER120W Integral ER membrane protein that regulates phospholipid metabolism via an inter...   4 38   0
  YER085C     4 2   0
PCL6 YER059W Pho85p cyclin of the Pho80p subfamily; forms the major Glc8p kinase together wit...   4 5   0
ZRG8 YER033C Cytoplasmic protein of unknown function, transcription is induced under conditio...   4 10   0
GIN4 YDR507C Protein kinase involved in bud growth and assembly of the septin ring, proposed ... serine/threonine kinase (putative) 8 29   0
RGA2 YDR379W GTPase-activating protein for the polarity-establishment protein Cdc42p; implica... Rho-GTPase Activating Protein 4 8   0.0002
MSN5 YDR335W Karyopherin involved in nuclear import and export; shown to be responsible for n...   8 48   0.0252
QRI1 YDL103C UDP-N-acetylglucosamine pyrophosphorylase, catalyzes the formation of UDP-N-acet... UDP-N-acetylglucosamine pyrophosphorylase 4 2   0
  YDL073W     4 3   0
  YCR051W     4 3   0
SAT4 YCR008W Ser/Thr protein kinase involved in salt tolerance; funtions in regulation of Trk...   4 17   0
  YCL045C     4 18   0
HPC2 YBR215W Highly charged, basic protein required for normal cell-cycle regulation of histo... highly charged basic protein 4 22   0
NGR1 YBR212W RNA binding protein that negatively regulates growth rate; interacts with the 3-... glucose-repressible RNA binding protein 4 4   0
BEM1 YBR200W Protein containing SH3-domains, involved in establishing cell polarity and morph...   4 63   0.0919
VMA2 YBR127C Subunit B of the eight-subunit V1 peripheral membrane domain of the vacuolar H+-... vacuolar ATPase V1 domain subunit B (60 kDa) 4 31   0.0004
ALG1 YBR110W Mannosyltransferase, involved in asparagine-linked glycosylation in the endoplas... beta-1,4-mannosyltransferase 4 4   0
MRS5 YBR091C Essential protein of the inner mitochondrial membrane, peripherally localized; c...   4 6   0
REG2 YBR050C Regulatory subunit of the Glc7p type-1 protein phosphatase; involved with Reg1p,... Glc7p regulatory subunit 4 6   0
HHF1 YBR009C One of two identical histone H4 proteins (see also HHF2); core histone required ... histone H4 (HHF1 and HHF2 code for identical proteins) 4 61   0.1532
BNA4 YBL098W Kynurenine 3-mono oxygenase, required for biosynthesis of nicotinic acid from tr... Kynurenine 3-mono oxygenase 4 8   0
NUP170 YBL079W Abundant subunit of the nuclear pore complex (NPC), required for proper localiza... nuclear pore complex subunit 4 28   0
FUS3 YBL016W Mitogen-activated protein kinase involved in mating pheromone response; activate... CDC28/cdc2 related protein kinase 4 32   0
CLN3 YAL040C G1 cyclin involved in cell cycle progression; activates Cdc28p kinase to promote... G1 cyclin 8 71   0
FRT2 YAL028W Tail-anchored endoplasmic reticulum membrane protein, interacts with homolog Frt...   4 7   0

Service provided by the Mike Tyers Laboratory