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SONAR Targetspace for Z-score NB
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Dynamic Data Scan For Putative Targets (genetic,physical,all)
Prediction Returned Rows:16
Sym Orf Description Function No All Z_score hyperg
YPD1 YDL235C Phosphorelay intermediate protein, phosphorylated by the plasma membrane sensor ... two-component phosphorelay intermediate 6 91   0
MSB2 YGR014W Mucin family member at the head of the Cdc42p- and MAP kinase-dependent filament... integral membrane protein (putative) 6 46   0
RSC9 YML127W One of 15 subunits of the -Remodel the Structure of Chromatin- (RSC) complex; DN...   6 65   0
TOK1 YJL093C Outward-rectifier potassium channel of the plasma membrane with two pore domains... outward-rectifier potassium channel 6 25   0.0006
NHA1 YLR138W Na+/H+ antiporter involved in sodium and potassium efflux through the plasma mem...   6 26   0
SGD1 YLR336C Essential nuclear protein with a possible role in the osmoregulatory glycerol re...   6 44   0
RCK2 YLR248W Protein kinase involved in the response to oxidative and osmotic stress; identif...   6 68   0
RGA1 YOR127W GTPase-activating protein for the polarity-establishment protein Cdc42p; implica... rho GTPase activating protein (GAP) 6 90   0.0002
SKO1 YNL167C Basic leucine zipper (bZIP) transcription factor of the ATF/CREB family that for...   6 38   0
SMP1 YBR182C Putative transcription factor involved in regulating the response to osmotic str...   6 28   0
  YBR238C     6 123   0
HOT1 YMR172W Transcription factor required for the transient induction of glycerol biosynthet... nuclear protein 6 25   0
MCM1 YMR043W Transcription factor involved in cell-type-specific transcription and pheromone ... contains the 56 amino-acid MADS (MCM1, AG, DEFAm SRF)-box motif within its DNA binding domain, plays a central role in the formation of both repressor and activator complexes|transcription factor 3 39   0.0049
MST1 YKL194C Mitochondrial threonyl-tRNA synthetase   3 6   0.0001
YTA12 YMR089C Component, with Afg3p, of the mitochondrial inner membrane m-AAA protease that m... ATPase|CDC48/PAS1/SEC18 (AAA) family 3 22   0.0077
SIS2 YKR072C Negative regulatory subunit of the protein phosphatase 1 Ppz1p; involved in ion ...   3 88   0.1877

Service provided by the Mike Tyers Laboratory