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Unique Identifier:SPE01501127
MolClass: Checkout models in ver1.5 and ver1.0
Molecular Formula:
Molecular Weight:244.161 g/mol
X log p:7.872  (online calculus)
Lipinksi Failures1
Hydrogen Bond Donor Count:0
Hydrogen Bond Acceptors Count:5
Rotatable Bond Count:8
Canonical Smiles:CC(C)NCC(O)COc1ccc(CC(N)=O)cc1
Therapeutics:beta adrenergic blocker
Drug_type:Approved Drug
H2o_solubility:13.5 mg/mL
Drug_category:Sympatholytics; Antihypertensive Agents; Antiarrhythmic Agents; Adrenergic Agents;
ATC:C07AB03; ATC:C07AB11
Indication:For the management of hypertention and long-term management of patients with angina
Pharmacology:Atenolol, a competitive beta(1)-selective adrenergic antagonist, has the lowest
lipid solubility of this drug class. Although it is similar to metoprolol, atenolol
differs from pindolol and propranolol in that it does not have intrinsic
sympathomimetic properties or membrane-stabilizing activity. Atenolol is used alone
or with chlorthalidone in the management of hypertension and edema.
Mechanism_of_action:Like metoprolol, atenolol competes with sympathomimetic neurotransmitters such as
catecholamines for binding at beta(1)-adrenergic receptors in the heart and vascular
smooth muscle, inhibiting sympathetic stimulation. This results in a reduction in
resting heart rate, cardiac output, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and
reflex orthostatic hypotension. Higher doses of atenolol also competitively block
beta(2)-adrenergic responses in the bronchial and vascular smooth muscles.
Organisms_affected:Humans and other mammals

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Species: 4932
Condition: IRE1
Replicates: 2
Raw OD Value: r im 0.7940±0.0163342
Normalized OD Score: sc h 0.9749±0.0169207
Z-Score: -0.9517±0.939151
p-Value: 0.439914
Z-Factor: -12.9411
Fitness Defect: 0.8212
Bioactivity Statement: Nonactive
Experimental Conditions
Plate Number and Position:6|C6
Drug Concentration:50.00 nM
OD Absorbance:595 nm
Robot Temperature:30.00 Celcius
Date:2010-08-10 YYYY-MM-DD
Plate CH Control (+):0.09700000000000002±0.00761
Plate DMSO Control (-):0.9522499999999999±0.02767
Plate Z-Factor:0.8414

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Service provided by the Mike Tyers Laboratory