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(±)-Epinephrine hydrochloride

Unique Identifier:LOPAC 00895
MolClass: Checkout models in ver1.5 and ver1.0
Molecular Formula:C9ClH14NO3
Molecular Weight:205.554 g/mol
X log p:6.314  (online calculus)
Lipinksi Failures1
Hydrogen Bond Donor Count:0
Hydrogen Bond Acceptors Count:4
Rotatable Bond Count:3
Canonical Smiles:Cl.CNCC(O)c1ccc(O)c(O)c1
Drug_type:Approved Drug
Melting_point:211.5 oC
H2o_solubility:180 mg/L
Drug_category:Vasoconstrictor Agents; Mydriatics; Bronchodilator Agents; Sympathomimetic;
ATC:A01AD01; ATC:B02BC09; ATC:C01CA03; ATC:C01CA24; ATC:R01AA14; ATC:R03AA01;
Indication:For the treatment of anaphylactic reactions
Pharmacology:Epinephrine is indicated for intravenous injection in treatment of acute
hypersensitivity, treatment of acute asthmatic attacks to relieve bronchospasm, and
treatment and prophylaxis of cardiac arrest and attacks of transitory
atrioventricular heart block with syncopal seizures (Stokes-Adams Syndrome). The
actions of epinephrine resemble the effects of stimulation of adrenergic nerves. To
a variable degree it acts on both alpha and beta receptor sites of sympathetic
effector cells. Its most prominent actions are on the beta receptors of the heart,
vascular and other smooth muscle. When given by rapid intravenous injection, it
produces a rapid rise in blood pressure, mainly systolic, by (1) direct stimulation
of cardiac muscle which increases the strength of ventricular contraction, (2)
increasing the heart rate and (3) constriction of the arterioles in the skin, mucosa
and splanchnic areas of the circulation. When given by slow intravenous injection,
epinephrine usually produces only a moderate rise in systolic and a fall in
diastolic pressure. Although some increase in pulse pressure occurs, there is
usually no great elevation in mean blood pressure. Accordingly, the compensatory
reflex mechanisms that come into play with a pronounced increase in blood pressure
do not antagonize the direct cardiac actions of epinephrine as much as with
catecholamines that have a predominant action on alpha receptors.
Mechanism_of_action:Epinephrine works via the stimulation of alpha and beta-1 adrenergic receptors, and
a moderate activity at beta-2 adrenergic receptors.
Organisms_affected:Humans and other mammals

Found: 24 nonactive as graph: single | with analogs [1] << Back 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20  Next >> [24]
Species: 4932
Condition: MRC1
Replicates: 2
Raw OD Value: r im 0.8356±0.00629325
Normalized OD Score: sc h 1.0022±0.00291226
Z-Score: 0.1675±0.227665
p-Value: 0.868646
Z-Factor: -9.21365
Fitness Defect: 0.1408
Bioactivity Statement: Nonactive
Experimental Conditions
Plate Number and Position:7|E3
Drug Concentration:50.00 nM
OD Absorbance:600 nm
Robot Temperature:25.10 Celcius
Date:2005-12-06 YYYY-MM-DD
Plate CH Control (+):0.039225±0.00203
Plate DMSO Control (-):0.811725±0.00871
Plate Z-Factor:0.9656

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active | Cluster 1040 | Additional Members: 10 | Rows returned: 1
LOPAC 00113 0

Service provided by the Mike Tyers Laboratory