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Unique Identifier:LOPAC 00497
MolClass: Checkout models in ver1.5 and ver1.0
Molecular Formula:C12ClH15O3
Molecular Weight:227.579 g/mol
X log p:8.696  (online calculus)
Lipinksi Failures1
Hydrogen Bond Donor Count:0
Hydrogen Bond Acceptors Count:3
Rotatable Bond Count:5
Canonical Smiles:CCOC(=O)C(C)(C)Oc1ccc(Cl)cc1
Selectivity:Lipoprotein lipase
Chemical_iupac_name:ethyl 2-(4-chlorophenoxy)-2-methyl-propanoate
Drug_type:Approved Drug
Melting_point:< 25 oC (boiling point 148-150°C at 25 mm Hg)
Drug_category:Anticholesteremic Agents; Antilipemic Agents; ATC:C10AB01; ATC:C10AB03
Indication:For Primary Dysbetalipoproteinemia (Type III hyperlipidemia) that does not respond
adequately to diet.
Pharmacology:Clofibrate is an antilipidemic agent similar to gemfibrozil. It acts to lower
elevated serum lipids by reducing the very low-density lipoprotein fraction
(Sf 20-400) rich in triglycerides. Serum cholesterol may be decreased,
particularly in those patients whose cholesterol elevation is due to the presence of
IDL as a result of Type III hyperlipoproteinemia. Several investigators have
observed in their studies that clofibrate may produce a decrease in cholesterol
linoleate but an increase in palmitoleate and oleate, the latter being considered
atherogenic in experimental animals. The significance of this finding is unknown at
this time. Reduction of triglycerides in some patients treated with clofibrate or
certain of its chemically and clinically similar analogs may be associated with an
increase in LDL cholesterol. Increase in LDL cholesterol has been observed in
patients whose cholesterol is initially normal. Animal studies suggest that
clofibrate interrupts cholesterol biosynthesis prior to mevalonate formation.
Mechanism_of_action:Clofibrate increases the activity of extrahepatic lipoprotein lipase (LL), thereby
increasing lipoprotein triglyceride lipolysis. Chylomicrons are degraded, VLDLs are
converted to LDLs, and LDLs are converted to HDL. This is accompanied by a slight
increase in secretion of lipids into the bile and ultimately the intestine.
Clofibrate also inhibits the synthesis and increases the clearance of apolipoprotein
B, a carrier molecule for VLDL.
Organisms_affected:Humans and other mammals

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Species: 4932
Condition: LGE1
Replicates: 2
Raw OD Value: r im 0.5059±0.041295
Normalized OD Score: sc h 0.9990±0.0274151
Z-Score: -0.0222±0.939942
p-Value: 0.506386
Z-Factor: -101.06
Fitness Defect: 0.6805
Bioactivity Statement: Nonactive
Experimental Conditions
Plate Number and Position:4|G7
Drug Concentration:50.00 nM
OD Absorbance:600 nm
Robot Temperature:25.40 Celcius
Date:2005-11-29 YYYY-MM-DD
Plate CH Control (+):0.039325±0.00129
Plate DMSO Control (-):0.48972499999999997±0.01217
Plate Z-Factor:0.9502

DBLink | Rows returned: 3
2796 ethyl 2-(4-chlorophenoxy)-2-methyl-propanoate
314743 ethyl 2-(4-chlorophenoxy)propanoate
2781328 propan-2-yl 2-(4-chlorophenoxy)-2-methyl-propanoate

internal high similarity DBLink | Rows returned: 1
SPE01503429 1.0000

active | Cluster 16766 | Additional Members: 15 | Rows returned: 0

Service provided by the Mike Tyers Laboratory