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Dopamine hydrochloride

Unique Identifier:LOPAC 00261
MolClass: Checkout models in ver1.5 and ver1.0
Molecular Formula:C8ClH12NO2
Molecular Weight:177.544 g/mol
X log p:6.242  (online calculus)
Lipinksi Failures1
Hydrogen Bond Donor Count:0
Hydrogen Bond Acceptors Count:3
Rotatable Bond Count:2
Canonical Smiles:Cl.NCCc1ccc(O)c(O)c1
Drug_type:Approved Drug
Melting_point:82.5 oC
H2o_solubility:1E+006 mg/L
Drug_category:Cardiotonic Agents; Sympathomimetic; ATC:C01CA04
Indication:For the correction of hemodynamic imbalances present in the shock syndrome due to
myocardial infarction, trauma, endotoxic septicemia, open-heart surgery, renal
failure, and chronic cardiac decompensation as in congestive failure
Pharmacology:Dopamine is a natural catecholamine formed by the decarboxylation of
3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA). It is a precursor to norepinephrine in
noradrenergic nerves and is also a neurotransmitter in certain areas of the central
nervous system, especially in the nigrostriatal tract, and in a few peripheral
sympathetic nerves. Dopamine produces positive chronotropic and inotropic effects on
the myocardium, resulting in increased heart rate and cardiac contractility. This is
accomplished directly by exerting an agonist action on beta-adrenoceptors and
indirectly by causing release of norepinephrine from storage sites in sympathetic
nerve endings.
Mechanism_of_action:Dopamine is a precursor to norepinephrine in noradrenergic nerves and is also a
neurotransmitter in certain areas of the central nervous system. Dopamine produces
positive chronotropic and inotropic effects on the myocardium, resulting in
increased heart rate and cardiac contractility. This is accomplished directly by
exerting an agonist action on beta-adrenoceptors and indirectly by causing release
of norepinephrine from storage sites in sympathetic nerve endings.
Organisms_affected:Humans and other mammals

Found: 24 nonactive as graph: single | with analogs [1] << Back 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10  Next >> [24]
Species: 4932
Condition: ESC2
Replicates: 2
Raw OD Value: r im 0.5505±0.0381838
Normalized OD Score: sc h 0.9977±0.00186467
Z-Score: -0.0709±0.0533012
p-Value: 0.943532
Z-Factor: -19.8817
Fitness Defect: 0.0581
Bioactivity Statement: Nonactive
Experimental Conditions
Plate Number and Position:8|C7
Drug Concentration:50.00 nM
OD Absorbance:600 nm
Robot Temperature:28.20 Celcius
Date:2005-11-25 YYYY-MM-DD
Plate CH Control (+):0.04005±0.00510
Plate DMSO Control (-):0.54505±0.01310
Plate Z-Factor:0.9130

DBLink | Rows returned: 9<< Back 1 2
11993857 4-(2-aminoethyl)-3,5,6-trideuterio-benzene-1,2-diol hydrochloride
11993858 4-(2-aminoethyl)-3,5,6-trideuterio-benzene-1,2-diol
11993859 4-(2-aminoethyl)-3,5,6-tritritio-benzene-1,2-diol hydrochloride

internal high similarity DBLink | Rows returned: 2
SPE01504189 0.9167
SPE01500263 1.0000

active | Cluster 5045 | Additional Members: 7 | Rows returned: 1
LOPAC 00264 0.454545454545455

Service provided by the Mike Tyers Laboratory